Page 32 - MWC 02-25-2021s
P. 32
Rotational Grazing During Winter
The Midwest Cattleman · February 25, 2021 · P32
By Roger Gates, former SDSU Extension Range Specialist
Winter feed represents one of because of rainfall variation, a year-round grazing goal, have protein supplement, particu-
the largest costs for a livestock the uncertainty associated with succeeded in providing grazing larly as the season advances
production enterprise. Grazing winter grazing plans depends even when snow cover is sub- and providing hay when snow
pasture that has been stockpiled on snowfall. Winter grazing stantial. cover interrupts or finally pre-
for winter use is a rational al- may be limited by the duration Exploiting Diet Selection vents access to grazing. This
ternative to limit costs resulting of open conditions which permit Conventionally, winter graz- procedure may minimize labor
from both harvest (or purchase) reliable grazing access. Howev- ing involves turning livestock and expense early in the winter,
and feeding of hay. Allocation of er, many producers, determined out in large pastures, antici- but it ignores the opportunity
feed resources available from to make winter grazing part of pating the need to provide a to exploit one of the main tools
winter pasture is simpli- available to the manag-
fied to a degree because er, animal diet selection.
the quantity available Grazing animals have an
can be determined as the extraordinary ability to
winter grazing period be- select a highly nutritious
gins. Total feed available diet, even if average pas-
is entirely dependent ture quality is low. By se-
on growing conditions lecting plants and parts of
during the preceding plants that are most palat-
summer. No additional able, both the energy and
vegetation accumulation protein content of the diet
will follow a killing frost. can be considerably better
Careful observation sup- than what the chemical
plemented with simple analysis of a “representa-
clipping can provide a tive” clipped pasture sam-
very reliable estimate of ple might suggest.
the total feed available. Allocating Nutrients
Unlike grazing plans de- The challenge for the
veloped for the growing grazing manager is to
season, for which un- optimally allocate those
certainty is substantial
continued on page 34
Selling 32 Bulls including 6 Fall 18 Month Old Bulls & 20 Females,
Show Heifers, Spring Bred Heifers & Fall Calvers
Saturday, March 27, 2021 • 1 p.m., March 27, 2021 • 1 p.m.
Daviess County Livestock Market, Gallatin, Missouri Lot 13 – 8S Obsidian 0009 P
BD: January 6, 2020
LT Citation 5228 x Eaton, BW: 77, AWWR: 105
Lot 22 – 8S Hard Rock 0071 P
Lot 19 – 8S Shale 0006 P Lot 3 – 8S Sandstone 9108 P BD: February 18, 2020
BD: January 3, 2020 BD: September 8, 2019 LT Maverick 6734 x Commander, AWW: 700
LT Affinity 6221 x Commander, BW: 70 lbs. LT Commander x Ledger, TSI: 214.15
Greg Hubert
P.O. Box 100
Oakley, KS 67748 Austin & Courtney Story
785/672-3195 (office) 29143 175th Street • Altamont, MO 64620
Phone: (660) 749-5834 • Cell: (660) 663-5048
785/672-7449 (cellular) •