Page 29 - MWC 02-25-2021s
P. 29

The Midwest Cattleman · February 25, 2021 · P29
 By Paul Dykstra, CAB
          Winter Storm Disaster Assistance Available to Livestock Producers

       By Jennifer Shike                 Program. These programs reim- Veterinarian help
         As winter weather conditions  burse producers for a portion of  available
      rage across the country, USDA  the value of livestock, poultry          USDA's Animal
      reminds livestock farmers af- and other animals that were  and  Plant  Health
      fected by the winter storms that  killed or severely injured by a  Inspection Service
      assistance is available.           natural disaster or loss of feed.    (APHIS)     veteri-
         USDA staff in the regional,        Keep accurate records to doc- narians  are  ready
      state and county offices are pre- ument  the  losses  and  illnesses  to  work alongside
      pared with a variety of program  following this devastating cold  partners  to conduct
      flexibilities and other assistance  weather event, USDA advises.  on-site assessments
      to residents, agricultural pro- Livestock producers must docu- to  document  the
      ducers and impacted communi- ment beginning livestock num- needs of affected
      ties, a USDA release said.         bers by taking photos or videos  producers, USDA said.
      Risk management and                of any losses. Other documen-        Additional staff are on stand- sary, APHIS has the expertise to
      disaster assistance                tation options include purchase  by to provide  support  if the  assist with carcass removal and
         USDA provides several risk      records, production records, vac- weather situation escalates or  disposal as well, USDA notes.
      management and disaster assis-     cination  records,  bank  or  other  the number of affected livestock   Drovers
      tance options to help producers    loan documents and third-party  operations increases. If neces-
      recover after they are impact-     certification.
      ed by severe weather, including       Financial  resources  are also
      those impacted by winter storms    available through the Environ-
      and extreme cold.                  mental Quality Incentives Pro-
         Although livestock produc-      gram to help with immediate
      ers often have more limited risk   needs and long-term support to
      management  options  available,    help recover from natural di-
      USDA notes there are several       sasters and conserve water re-
      disaster programs they can look    sources, USDA said. Assistance
      into such as the Livestock In-     may also be available for emer-
      demnity Program and the Emer-      gency animal mortality disposal
      gency  Assistance for Livestock,   from natural disasters and other
      Honeybee and Farm-raised Fish      causes.

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                                                             March 27, 2021

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                                                                                        Steven: (417) 241-1302 • Jamie: (417) 241-1526
                              Andras Executive Order E018
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