Page 30 - MWC 02-25-2021s
P. 30
COLD WEATHER The Midwest Cattleman · February 25, 2021 · P30
continued from page 28
continued restaurant reopening mid-February timeframe. result in
across parts of the country and It probably goes without say- depressed
stimulus optimism giving buy- ing, but this increase is not a re- grade, but
ers confidence in the market. sponse to supply. In fact, it’s hap- what about
Wholesale prices are getting pening in spite of an abundance severe cold?
high and working unseasonably of high grading cattle across the Cattle do
higher. The important note back U.S. I believe we’re at an all-time start to use
to cattle country is that middle high of combined Choice and a greater
meats are in high demand, and Prime grading carcasses, hitting portion of
the spreads are playing right 85% of the fed cattle supply this their energy
in line with that. In the latest past week. for main-
USDA report, the Choice-Select COLD WEATHER, GRADE tenance, so
spread was at $11.44, and that’s EXPECTATIONS we would
up from a $9.48 average last Weather is always a popular expect av-
week. topic this time of year, but this erage daily
Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) last week probably marks the gain to fall off, however, the de- nally expect some decline from
brand grid premiums are follow- first event of 2021 that affects gree to which that will impact the current record-high quality
ing suit to a lesser degree, but such a wide swath of the U.S. carcass quality is probably neg- grade observations, but history
still above trend line for this experiencing it in a similar way. ligible. shows plunging temperatures
Record cold History in our CAB data won’t necessarily mean a dra-
tem ps shows us that grade generally matic instantaneous decline in
have been improves, rather than declines, carcass quality.
noted from during periods of extreme cold. The record-high quality grade
South Da- The spike in Choice and Prime mix coupled with the unseason-
kota down quality grading that starts off ably high premiums for quality
through 2021 is not a result of cold tem- are an unprecedented feature of
southern peratures, but an indication the present market.
Texas. of the compositional makeup Drovers
Typical- of the cattle on feed. There are
ly mud and some big, long-fed cattle com-
ad ve rs e ing through the supply chain,
w eat he r evidenced by lingering heavy
conditions carcass weights. We might ratio-
See these four top Reg. Bulls at
Heber Springs, AR and five Fall Bred
Commercial Heifers - - Mar. 27, 2021
Sired by top Genex Bulls--3SCCDomain,
Merlin 018A, C-Bar Big River, Gladiator & others.
Awarded two more Gridmasters in 2020
Farm bred and fed in the FESCUE BELT!
For the MO Red Angus Sale
April 24th at Springfield,MO Standing
W Weekly Dairy Sale!eekly Dairy Sale!eekly Dairy Sale!
Stock Cow & Bull Sale!
Stock Cow & Bull Sale!
Look for four Reg. Bulls and five Reg. Fall Bred Heifers. Apart Stock Cow & Bull Sale! S Sale starts at 1 Starts at 8 a.m. every Wed.
Feeder Cattle Sale!
Feeder Cattle Sale!
Feeder Cattle Sale!
Sale starts at 1ale starts at 11:00 a.m. every 1:00 a.m. every TTues. ues. 1:00 a.m. every Tues.
Starts at 9 a.m. every Mon.
Starts at 9 a.m. every Mon.
Starts at 8 a.m. every Wed.
Starts at 8 a.m. every Wed.
S Special Sale 4th Tues. of each month.
from the Herd Can Be Starts at 9 a.m. every Mon. Special Sale 4th pecial Sale 4th TTues. of each month.ues. of each month.
A Very
Good Thing
4 417-869-9500 Exit 70 • I-44 & Hwy MM • xit 70 • I-44 & Hwy MM • ApprApprox. ox. Approx.
E Exit 70 • I-44 & Hwy MM •
Spreutels Farm Wilbur : 417-867-5695 3 3 Mi. W. of Springfield & 1 MNi. E of
3 Mi. Mi. WW. of Springfield & 1 MNi. E of . of Springfield & 1 MNi. E of
J James River Hwy
Steve: 417-280-1551 James Riverames River Hwy Hwy