Page 26 - MWC 02-25-2021s
P. 26

Briarwood Angus                                                      FROM THE LAND UP                  herd of Quarter Horses, which in-
                                                                                               The Midwest Cattleman · February 25, 2021 · P26

        Where It’s All About                                                continued from page 25            cludes 50 Quarter Horse mares

        the Beef from                                                       aerial spraying have transformed   with foundation bloodlines. These
                                                                                                              are crossed with newer bloodlines
                                                         Briarwood          the  landscape  to  be  90% open.   to develop a horse that withstands
                                                                            In Osage County, the eastern
                                                                                                              everyday ranch use yet still has
                                                            Briarwood  Briarwood  and western Buford ranches are   a good mind to compete in the
                  Quality                     to                            burned consistently  every other   rodeo arena. Another 2,600 head
                                                                            year, totaling roughly 15,000
          Bull & Female Sale                                                acres annually. (Or a few thou-   of mustangs are housed on the
                                                                                                              ranch through the Bureau of the
        Mar. 21, 2021 / 1:00 p.m.                                           sand more, if a fire decides it has   Land Management’s  Wild Horse
                                                                            some extra steam.)
                                                                                                              and Burro Program. Together, the
                at the Farm                                                   The plants that grow post-burn   land, cattle and horses create a
                                                      BULL BUYER            are more tender, making it easi-  diversified network to strength-
                                                      BULL BUYER
                                                                            er to eliminate stalwart species,
         Briarwood Mr Top Game 9117                     BONUSES             like the evasive Sericea lespede-  en the operation’s roots for future
          AAA19787609  09/11/19                                                                               generations.
          Sitz Top Game 561X x Briarwood Mandate 6006  Ready,               za. Stocking rates shoot up as the   Stronger together
                                                          GO!!              native grasses reclaim their turf.   Like the ground they depend
                                                     Ready, Set...                   Set...
                                                                            Those stocking rates, once one
                                                                            cow per 10 acres, have improved   on, the faithful crew at Buford
                                                                            to one cow per 6 or 7 acres.      Ranches sticks together through
                                                             * *  FREE        “It’s evident when you take     thick and thin.
                                                           Bull Delivery
                                                           Bull Delivery                                         “It’s a family operation, from
                                                           within 250 mi.   care of your grass… that cow’s    the cowboys all the way up to
                                                           within 250 mi.
                                                                            going to do her job and raise a big
                                                            * *  $50 OFF    calf,”  Buford  says.  “As  we’ve  in-  the management,” Branch says
                                                              $50 OFF
                                                         to Bull Buyers who  creased our stocking rates, we’ve   proudly. “We all treat each other
                                                         to Bull Buyers who
                                                       haul home week of Sale
             Top 1% $MILK; 2% $W; 10% CED, REK; 2% $W; 10% CED, RE  haul home week of Sale  seen our weaning weights climb   as family and for people to stay at
             Top 1% $MIL
            15% WW, Y
            15% WW, YW, SC; W, SC; 20% DOC, CW; 25% BW20% DOC, CW; 25% BW                                     a job — especially in the ranching
                                                         * * 5% Discount  for   way up as well.”              business — that long, it tells you
                                                          5% Discount  for
                                                                              According to Branch, the cat-
                                                         repeat bull buyers
                                                         repeat bull buyers
            bulls - fall & Spring yearlings             who purchased sires   tle running on those rejuvenated   what kind of family you’re work-
            bulls - fall & Spring yearlings
                                                        who purchased sires
                                                          in 2019 or 2020
                                                          in 2019 or 2020                                     ing for.”
                                                                            grasses gain up to an extra 50
                       Briarwood Mr Top Game 9122          All  Bull Buyers   pounds. The additional weight is   “My father always instilled to
                                                           All  Bull Buyers
                                 AAA19788675  09/14/19    * *                                                 my brother and sister and I that
                                                             entered in
               Sitz Top Game 561X x Briarwood Ms Ruth 5042   entered in     insured by a vaccination program
                                                            drawing for a
                                                            drawing for a   that includes two rounds of mod-  we would be stronger together,”
                                                          commercial heifer
                                                          commercial heifer  ified live vaccines to fight respi-  Buford says of the role of family in
                                                                            ratory infections. The first shot is   the operation’s success. It is a phi-
                                                                            given within 30 days post-calving   losophy his predecessors planted,
                                                                            season and the second usually     and one he hopes the next gen-
                                                          Briarwood         within another eight weeks when   eration will nourish, should they
                                                                                                              choose this lifestyle.
                                                          Efficiency        calves are shipped.  “If we don’t    “As  cowboys  and  ranchers,
                                                         Profitability      have that modified live shot in
                                                           Carcass          them,  it’s  hard  for  us  to  market   we’ve got the greatest job in the
                Top 2% Milk; 4% DOC, CW, $F; 5% $C;
                Top 2% Milk; 4% DOC, CW, $F; 5% $C;        Quality          those calves,” Branch says.       world,” Branch preaches.  “We’re
            10% YW, $W, $B; 15% WW, RE; 20% YH, Fat, $G$B; 15% WW, RE; 20% YH, Fat, $G
            10% YW, $W,                                                       Also benefitting from the open   caretakers of God’s creation and
          EPD percentiles as of 01/01/21centiles as of 01/01/21
          EPD per                                                           prairie are horses that have found   whether it’s the land, the water,
             Females - Open/Bred/pairs           Briarwood                  their niche at Buford Ranches.    the cattle. If we just stay humble
             Females - Open/Bred/pairs
                                                  Fertility                 Longtime ranch hand John (Ko-     doing that — wow, what a bless-
           Briarwood Ms Pride 7004                DOCILITY                  jack) Holloway has taken the reins   ing it is.”
           Bull calf born 11/08/20               Longevity                  to the Osage divisions’ registered
                                                Briarwood Ms Clover 0028
                                           C C
                                                       AAA+19870295 01/12/20
                                           H H  EF Comando 1366 x Byergo Clover 150
                                           O O
                                           I  I
                                           C C
                                           E E
              No Online Bidding
              No Online Bidding
                                           E E
              LIVE STREAMED
              LIVE STREAMED                I I
        F F   Briarwood Ms Clover 0022
              BriarwoodAngusFarms          E E          AAA+19870296  01/08/20
                                           R R  EF Comando 1366 x Byergo Clover 150
           Place Bids Prior to or
           Place Bids Prior to or          S S
           on sale day by Calling:
           on sale day by Calling:
            Buyers Pre-Register at        BW
            Buyers Pre-Register at
        Auctioneer Bill Nance
        Auctioneer Bill Nance           21
                                        2110 NW St. Rt. 52  *  Butler, MO 6473010 NW St. Rt. 52  *  Butler, MO 64730
        Nance Auction ServiceService
        Nance Auction                      Curtis W. Long  ~ 660.679.3459  . Long  ~ 660.679.3459
                                           Curtis W
        417-214-0093                      David W                           The red baldy female is a prized commodity on the ranch because of the consistent calf
                                          David Warfield, mgr.  ~ 660.679.3395arfield, mgr.  ~ 660.679.3395
                             www                                 crop she produces each year.
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