Page 28 - MWC 02-25-2021s
P. 28

Cold Weather, Grade Expectations                                                         The Midwest Cattleman · February 25, 2021 · P28

                                                                                               By Paul Dykstra, CAB
         Fed cattle prices were steady  gain will be stalled for a period  year but are now poised
      in the first  half of February,  of days in many cases as nutri- to decline rapidly under
      averaging $114/cwt. in each of  ent intake is channeled toward  recent weather devel-
      those two weeks. Live Cattle fu- maintenance needs.                   opments. Analysis  of
      tures  contracts  have  been  pric-   Some of the futures market  feedlot placement data
      ing  higher  this  month  despite  rally can likely be attributed to  indicates that carcass
      choppy movement since late last  the recent weather pattern that  weights should move
      week. Several deliveries against  had been forecast several days  much lower as spring
      the February contract have been  in advance. The prospect and re- nears, taking on a more
      tendered in recent days due to  ality of lighter carcass weights  seasonal pattern.
      the weak basis. This has had a  plus lost production efficiencies        The country is in a bit of a   demand when the trends dip or
      negative impact on the February  are bullish factors for futures  mess this week with all of the        flatten for those primals. But
      contract as the market tries to  prices in the short term.            weather disruptions changing      not this year.
      force convergence with the spot        The other side of the coin is  the normal movement of beef          By taking price per pound and
      cash value.                        the smaller fed cattle slaughter  product and cattle. Focusing       the weight of the primal by two
         Extreme winter conditions  last week and further process- on daily beef prices in the spot           per carcass, we can figure the
      and temperatures well below  ing disruptions this week due  market this week may not pro-               value each of the middle meat
      zero have been widespread  to weather impacts and rolling  vide a good measure of demand.               items adds to the wholesale car-
      across the country impacting  blackouts causing temporary  Even so, year-to-date boxed beef             cass value.
      most of the major central cattle  plant shutdowns.  This doesn’t  values are convincing enough             A look at rib, strip and ten-
      feeding region. Feedlot weight  help with cattle throughput  with cutout prices poised well             derloin trends (see table) shows
                                                   during a period when  above a year ago.                    them up 121%, 129% and 108%,
                                                   fed supplies are ample      Aside from the chuck roll      respectively, above last year’s
                                                   and need to stay cur- most  of  the  end  meats  trended   values for the same timeframe.
                                                   rent to keep weights  lower last week.  The few with       The market was still operating
                                                   down and clean up  an upward price trajectory are          "normally" during the first part
                                                   feedyard inventories  cheaper than a year ago and          of 2020, so that comparing them
                                                   of heavy cattle.  That  justifiably can see price appre-   to an average of the three years
                                                   will apply downward  ciation.                              prior tells a similar story.
                                                   market pressure.         MIDDLE MEATS HEAT UP                 We can’t lay our hands on
                                                      Latest    confirmed   DURING TYPICAL SLUMP              all the reasons this pronounced
                                                   steer weights are still     The early months of the year   spike is happening, but gener-
                                                   19 lb. higher than last   are often dull for middle meat   ally conclude it’s influenced by
                                                                                                                            continued on page 30

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                                                                                Modern Kingsville Livestock Auction Center at Kingsville, MO

                                                                                  Make Plans To Attend Our Next


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                                           7750 White Drive, Cord, AR
                                               130 Angus Lots                                     11:00 am
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                                          Northeast Arkansas Angus Association
 NEAAA O cers   Sims Plus, LLC                                       Rick, Jeremy or Jared Anstine
                                                  NEAAA Officers
 Bill Davis, President … (501) 283-0601  Sale Manager, Auctioneer  Bill Davis, President: (501) 283-0601  816-258-3421 • 816-716-9288 • 816-878-5229
         Mark C. Sims
 Stacey Speer, Vice President … (870) 240-3728  Cell: (580) 595-0901  Stacey Speer, Vice President: (870) 240-3728  Website: • email:
                                        Amye Winiger, Secretary: (901) 825-0409
 Amye Winiger, Secretary … (901) 825-0409  Email:  Jerry Cross, Treasurer: (870) 239-1321
 Jerry Cross, Treasurer … (870) 239-1321

 Take out “semen checked, scrotal measurements and minimum weights.

 In the spot put bid online at Make it bold like the number of lots info.
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