Page 12 - MWC 2-2-2023s
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AG GROUPS                                                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P12
      continued from page 3                                                 USDA

      Ag Policy Whiplash                 later this year.                   continued from page 3
         In a press release on the          So, why did EPA move for-       potential for future technol-     tion's biggest concerns.
      lawsuit, Farm Bureau Pres-         ward with the rule change          ogies other than RFID rela-          "We haven't had a case of
      ident Zippy Duvall says            now? Ted McKinney, Nation-         tive to the tags.                 FMD in the U.S. since the
      the rule is “vague” and puts       al  Association of State De-       Industry Responds                 1920s, and there hasn't been
      farmers  and ranchers in a         partments of  Ag (NASDA)             Ethan Lane,  vice presi-        FMD in North America since
      position where they will have      CEO, says his team has their       dent of government affairs at     the 1950s," he says. "We
      to hire lawyers and consults       own theory.                        NCBA, broke down the time-        have a very naive herd
      to establish the boundaries           “It’s rare for an organi-       line for the transition to EID    that would be devastated by
      of farming, which “isn’t what      zation to be that direct in        tags.                             FMD, as would other hoofed
      clean water regulations were       state-mandated        oversight      "We currently have the          livestock."
      intended to do.”                   in streams. Because of that        RFID tag rule that we saw at         Disease management tac-
         Ethan Lane, NCBA’s vice         rarity, we, at NASDA, believe      the end of the Trump admin-       tics aside, Bacus says the
      president of government af-        it’s an overreach that’s polit-    istration that took a three or    domino affect FMD would
      fairs, echoed Farm Bureau,         ical in nature—it isn’t right,”    four year period to ramp up       have on the supply chain
      saying the  “unjust” ruling        McKinney says.                     and transition to," Lane says.    that is continuously being
      hits too close to home.               According to a federal reg-     "This EID tag will go live as     soddered and broken would
         “I’m from the state of Ar-      ulatory agenda posted on Jan                                         be "catastrophic." He points
      izona. The ‘significant nexus’     4., the Biden administration       soon as it is finalized, which    to highly-pathogenic avian
                                                                            is likely to be a year to 18
      test that determines  a dry        will revise and refine a sec-      months."                          influenza  (HPAI)  and  Afri-
      stream bed from some kind of       ond new  WOTUS definition            According to Lane, the          can swine fever (ASF) as ex-
      runoff area is describing my       that EPA will propose in Fall      proposed system is a nod to       amples.
      entire home state, depending       2023, following the Supreme        ever-evolving technology and         "There's no cure for any
      on the definition you use,” he     Court’s decision. Only then        will be a "better" tool than      of it [HPAI, FMD and ASF],"
      says. “We need clarity.”           will the  WOTUS definition         RFIDs.                            Bacus says. "The best thing
      Why Rule on WOTUS Now?             be officially finalized.             So, why is another being        we could hope to do is track
         The new definition and             In keeping the second           pushed so hard right now?         and vaccinate our way out of
      lawsuit come as the Supreme        definition  on  the  regulatory    What's at Stake                   it."
      Court  is evaluating a de-         agenda, EPA will  be given           The EID system is aimed            Thanks to  APHIS's EID
      cision on another  WOTUS           time to adjust to the Supreme      at helping the U.S. cattle in-    plan, those tracking efforts
      case  that  could  significantly   Court’s ruling.                    dustry deal with the emer-        are being put in motion.
      impact WOTUS rulemaking,                                              gency response to animal          The Gameplan
      which is set to be ruled on                                           disease events, with  APHIS          Under the proposed rule,

                                                                            concluding that while foot        APHIS would require tags
                                                                            and mouth disease (FMD)           to be used that are both
      SHIP IT                                                               and other diseases have           visually and electronical-
      continued from page 3                                                 been largely excluded from        ly readable for interstate
      ers to keep our supply chain  saying the SHIP IT Act is a             the U.S., “exclusion of every     movement of cattle and
                                                                                                              bison six months after a
      moving.”                           “commonsense” solution to          high impact disease through       final rule is published in the
      What's in it for Ag?               ongoing burdens.                   every pathway of introduc-        Federal Register.
                                                                            tion is likely an unachiev-
         According to the Shippers          “The legislation would          able task.”                          Comments on the  APHIS
      Coalition press release, pas-      bring  the U.S. supply chain         Kent Bacus, NCBA's exec-        proposed rule are due Mar.
      sage of the SHIP IT Act will       into the 21st century to meet      utive director of government      20. There is not yet a defin-
                                         the needs of shippers, reduce
      “improve the supply chain                                             affairs, echoes APHIS, saying     itive date when the plan will
      and keep costs down for con-       regulatory burdens that cost       FMD is one of his associa-        finally be in place.
                                         shippers millions of dollars a
      sumers” by:
         1.Offering authority for        year, create good paying jobs,
      certain      vehicle    waivers    and support the ambitious          LIFE
      during emergencies                 sustainability  goals  of  dairy   continued from page 5
                                         businesses,” says Dykes.
         2.Allowing truck drivers to        According to the bill, el-      and cottonseed meal were the  need to take typing if you’re
      apply for workforce grants         igible  truck  drivers  would      two main ones.                    planning on going to college.”
         3.Streamlining the CDL          be granted funds to cover            “You know,” he began, “you         I jokingly replied that only
      process                            CDL cost, including course         could let X equal the protein  prospective secretaries needed
         4.Assisting     with    truck   materials, supplies, fees for      content of corn, and Y be the  to take typing (this was about
      parking difficulties               graduation, licenses and cer-      same for the cottonseed meal,  30 years before computers)
         “The OSRA was needed to         tification. Established driv-      and solve for Z as the percent  and I was going to study agri-
      ease the backlog at ports and      ers would also be granted a        protein of the total ration; that  culture.
      the SHIP IT Act is the natu-       $7,500 tax credit, while new       way, you could play around           “Enroll in the typing course.”
      ral next step to continue the      truck drivers would be of-         with it, and find out which          I did. It turned out to be one
      important work of bolstering       fered a $10,000 credit.            ratio works best, and at the  of the most valuable courses I
      the nation’s supply chain,”                                           cheapest price.”                  have ever taken. I don’t like to
      says Sean Joyce, Shippers                                               Son-of-a-gun!                   brag, but at 65 words per min-
      Coalition executive director.                                           A couple of years later, my  ute, with no mistakes, I would
         Michael      Dykes,     DVM,                                       agriculture teacher was look- have been an exceptional sec-
      president and CEO of Inter-                                           ing over my shoulder, as I  retary.
      national Dairy Foods Associ-                                          made out my schedule for the
      ation (IDFA), echoed Joyce,                                           following year. “You’re going to
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