Page 13 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 13


      The opportunity to market bred replacement heifers at premium
      The opportunity to market bred replacement heifers at premium values will be available. values will be available.
      by Mark Johnson, Oklahoma State University Extension

         It’s time to look ahead            o 368 ÷ 200 = 1.84-lb. aver-
      at some of the financial op- age daily gain (ADG) needed
      portunities on the horizon.  from now until breeding sea-
      Cattle producers need to act  son
      as business managers and              •As  we take  inventory  of
      assess inventories of all re- our hay, silage, feed grains
      sources and commodities on  and potential for winter
      hand to determine the best  grazing, we need to arrive
      course of action to maximize
      profit  potential  through  the                 continued on page 22
      next several years. Regard-
      less of what you have done in
      the past, now is the time to
      prepare for financial oppor-
      tunities that lie ahead in the
      cattle business. Let’s address
      the upside of heifer retention.
         Consider the following:
         •Drought has resulted in
      cyclically low cattle inven-
      tories.  The laws of supply
      and demand dictate that
      when      cattle     inventories
      are low, the future value of
      cows, calves, yearlings and
      feds will increase. Feedlot
      placement data shows more
      heifers going on feed as op-
      posed to being retained as
      replacements. What  oppor-
      tunity does this create? The
      opportunity  to  market  bred
      replacement heifers at pre-
      mium values in the future.
         •In     mid-October,       the
      USDA  Oklahoma Weekly
      Cattle Auction  Summary
      tells us that 477-pound (lb.),
      Medium- and Large-frame,
      Muscle Score 1 heifer calves
      traded  at an average of
      $162.79 per hundredweight
      (cwt.).  This translates to a
      total value per head of $777.
         •If we collect weights on
      our 4- to 7-year-old cows at
      weaning, we can determine
      the average mature weight
      of our cow herd.
         •Let’s assume: 1) these
      heifers will be 14-15 months
      old by May 1, 2023, when we
      are ready to begin our breed-
      ing season; 2) they need to
      be at 65% of their mature
      weight at that time to be cy-
      cling and ready to breed; and,
      3) our average mature cow
      weighs 1,300 lb.
         •This permits us to calcu-
      late the following:
         o 1,300 x 0.65 = 845-lb. tar-
      get weight by May 1, 2023
         o  845  –  477  =  368  lb.  of
      gain needed during the next
      200 days
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