Page 11 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 11

IS YOUR HERD                                                                              The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P11
      continued from page 7

      21 days of the calving sea- using estrus synchroniza- sources to accomplish the job.  of the distribution you may
      son, those cows fall behind  tion to move those females  Choose a breeding or bull let  have.  Any females that are
      missing the opportunity to  back to the desired breeding  out day. If using a bull, en- open allows that female to be
      re-breed and subsequently,  season. If an estrus synchro- sure the amount of time the  sold as well as starts putting
      will fail to maintain a 365  nization program will be im- bull is out with the cows as  reproductive pressure on the
      day calving interval. Females  plemented, consult your local  well as bull/cow ratio is part  herd.
      that fall out of the desired  Extension  Specialist  or  Vet- of your management strate-                   Sixth, enjoy a shorter,
      calving window allow oppor- erinarian to help set you up  gy and goals.                                 more defined calving season.
      tunity to consider manageri- with an appropriate protocol               Fifth, confirm pregnancies      South Dakota State
      al strategies to re-establish  and supplies.                          in the herd. Once the cows are    University Extension
      the desired calving distribu-         Fourth, follow through  bred, have your veterinarian
      tion. It’s important to remain  with the plan. Ensure you  come and pregnancy check
      business minded when mak- have enough labor and re- all the females to get an idea
      ing decisions regarding the
      cow herd to ensure success.
         So how can calving distri-
      bution affect the bottom line?
      Calf crops more uniform in
      size and age have market ad-
      vantages and exceed returns
      over calves that lack unifor-
      mity in both age and weight.
      Therefore, more calves born
      earlier in the calving sea-
      son  wean more  pounds  of
      calf compared to calves born
      later in the calving season.
      At weaning, one day age dif-
      ference can translate into 2.4
      lbs of weaning weight lost. If
      more than 25% of the herd is
      calving in the second or third
      calving window this leaves a
      large number of pounds un-
      paid. Furthermore, research
      shows that females who
      calve in the first 21 days of
      the calving season remain in
      the herd longer.
      Reaching Management
         Reproduction is the num-
      ber one indicator of success
      on any operation. So how can
      some of these management
      goals be reached?
         First, remain business
      minded.  While we all have
      that favorite cow in the herd
      who may receive two or three
      breeding chances, it may be
      time to consider the financial
      implications she brings.
         Second, set your goals.
      How do you want to see your
      herd perform?  What bench-
      marks do you want to follow
      or set? How can you reach
      these goals and who can help
      you get there?
         Third, make a plan. De-
      cide which cows do not meet
      your  production  goals  and
      disperse of them. Determine
      if the remaining females are
      in the calving benchmarks
      you desire. If those cows need
      to move up a cycle, consider
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