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Angus members achieve 1 million genotypes
                                                                                             The Midwest Cattleman · September 30, 2021 · P30

                            Angus members’ efforts make Angus Genetics Inc. milestone possible.

         Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI),  traits for  Angus breeders.  beef cattle industry econom- "While we continue to opti-
      a subsidiary of the  Ameri- In addition to its large geno- ically.  With  this  amount  of  mize these solutions to en-
      can Angus Association®, has  type database, the American  data in hand, AGI is looking  sure accurate genetic tools, I
      reached their 1 millionth  Angus  Association is home  at ways to leverage this da- have no doubt that the next
      mark in  Angus genotypes.  to the largest beef cattle  tabase to create novel solu- ten years with genomics will
      This was a monumental ac- breed phenotype database in  tions to real-world problems.  only continue to drive genet-
      complishment for the Angus  the world. With that knowl- Retallick-Riley  says, Angus  ic progress and profitability
      breed, says Kelli Retal- edge, the pace of adoption of  producers should be excited  for our independently owned
      lick-Riley, president of AGI.      genomic technology has in- about what the future holds.  farming and ranching fami-
         "It has taken just a lit- creased.                                    "The value of genomics is  lies."
      tle over a decade for  Angus          In  the first four years  of  here," said Retallick-Riley.
      breeders to reach this im- collecting genomic samples,
      pressive milestone," said Re- AGI hit their first mile-
      tallick-Riley. "This is a testa- stone of collecting 100,000                              Angus. America’s Breed.
      ment to the pioneer mindset  genotypes. In 2018,  AGI
      Angus breeders have always  had another breakthrough                                       Adam Conover,
      hung their hats on. The early  of  accumulating  half  a  mil-                             Regional Manager  A reliable business partner is difficult to come
      adoption of genomic tech- lion genotypes. While it took                                                     by. Contact Adam Conover to locate Angus
      nology has led Angus to this  eight years to collect the first                             Iowa            genetics, select marketing options tailored to
                                                                                                                 your needs, and to access American Angus
      point and will lend to future  500,000 genotypes, it only                                  Missouri        Association  programs and services. Put the
      tools designed specifically for  took  three  years  to  collect                                               business breed to work for you.
      users of registered Angus ge- the next half of a million.
      netics."                           Currently, around 3,000 gen-
         AGI began including ge- otypes enter the evaluation                     Contact Regional Manager Adam Conover:
      nomics in the genetic evalu- each week.                                           Cell:  816-676-8560
      ation in 2010 with the idea           As for the future of genom-      
      of using this technology to  ic testing at AGI, the compa-
      enhance accuracy, evaluate  ny has hopes it can continue                      3201 Frederick Ave. | St. Joseph, MO 64506
                                                                                       816.383.5100 |
      for traits at earlier ages and  to make significant advance-                                                            © 2020-2021 American Angus Association
      predict difficult-to-measure  ments to further enhance the

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