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P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · September 30, 2021 · P26
      Briarwood Farms Backs Angus Beef at Missouri

      State Fair Angus Contests                                                                        By Brenda Black

         The Missouri Angus Asso- of Owensville FFA took the  carcass show. The winner of                        Three participants in the
      ciation (MAA) and Dr. Curtis  Championship  and Alexis  $300, his steer weighed 1,275  Carcass and 4-H or FFA
      Long of Butler, Mo., awarded  Borgstadt earned Reserve.  and dressed at 787 pounds,  shows included Samuel Jor-
      engraved championship in- Each champion and reserve  graded Choice and had a  dan, Savannah, MO; Peyson
      sulated cups to top exhibitors  champion anticipates cash  yield grade 2.97, with a 13.8”  Larrick, Shelbina, Mo.; and
      of the 2021 Missouri State  prizes of $300 and $200, re- REA.                                           Alexis Borgstadt, Concordia,
      Fair  Angus Steer Contest.  spectively, to be presented in
      Winners at the fair will sub- February.
      sequently also receive mon-           The Missouri State Fair an-
      etary awards from Dr. Long  nounced carcass results from
      and the MAA during the  judge Teagan Schnurbusch of
      2022 MAA  Annual Banquet  the University of Missouri on
      in February.                       Saturday, Aug. 21, with Jor-
         On  Aug. 16, 2021, Roger  dan taking the Grand Cham-
      Parker, Mexico, Mo., judged  pion Angus Carcass and win-
      the OnFoot Open Steer Car- ning the title, engraved cup
      cass Show & Live Evaluation  and $500. His 1,375 pound
      Contest with three purebred  steer dressed at 777 pounds,
      Angus calves in the ring. The  graded Choice with a yield
      following day, Chris Mullinix  grade of 2.21, and a 14.2” Rib
      sorted through four 4-H and  Eye  Area. Jordan  was also
      five FFA Angus steers. Sam- the Reserve Champion Over-
      uel Jordan of Andrew County  All MSF Carcass. For that
      was selected 4-H Champion  achievement, he earned an
      Angus  Steer and  Faith  Wil- additional $500 from sponsor
      liams of Gasconade Coun- Briarwood Angus Farms.
      ty was named 4-H Reserve              Peyson Larrick of Shelby
      Champion  Angus Steer. In  County, won Reserve Cham-                  Carcass award sponsor Dr. Curtis W. Long of Briarwood Angus Farms
      the FFA show, Olivia Gerloff  pion  Angus Carcass in the              congratulates Peyson Larrick during the 2021 carcass award ceremony at the Missouri
                                                                            State Fair. (photo courtesy Andy Atzenweiler with Missouri Beef Cattleman)
                                                 Online Sale                                               OCTOBER 23

                                                                                                                       Bids open
                                                                                                           OCTOBER 23

                                                                                                                  at 7 pm  (CDT)

                                                       Miss Blackcap Ellston N58                            Hosted by CCI Live
         Offering:                                                                                                  with a soft close

           • Pick of the five Hoover No Doubt X Erica                                  Full Sister to               OCTOBER 26
                                                                                                                    OCTOBER 26
            of Ellston S7 ET calves.  This stunning set                                No Doubt -
            of flush sisters average a WW EPD of +90                                    pregnancy                     at 7 pm (CDT)
            and a $C of +303!                                                             and
           • Pregnancy by No Doubt’s best full sister,                                daughters sell!
            Miss Blackcap Ellston N58 X Myers Fair
            N Square.  N58 ties as the #1 Docility EPD
            Pathfinder cow in America!

           • Pick of the fall 2020 Hoover heifer crop!
            These genomic-tested heifers with full
            performance data average a WW and
            YW EPD in the best 15% of the breed                                                                           Erica of Ellston X124
            and top 25% for Docility, Claw, $M and                                    Erica of Ellston Z40                   Embryos sell!
            $C!  Includes heifers by No Doubt, Entice                                 Pick of Z40 and her
            and Cowboy Logic.  Also includes heifers                                    flush sisters sell!
            by No Doubt’s best sister X Baldridge                                        For more information, contact:
            Alternative.                                                                              Landi Livingston • 641-344-7684
           • Embryos from Erica of Ellston X124, a Reno heifer                              
            with the following traits in the best 1-5% of the                                         Wes Tiemann • 816-244-4462
            breed:  WW, YW, Milk, Claw, Marb, $M, $W, $G                                              Chris Earl • 630-675-6559
            and $C!                                                      More information online at:
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