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too costly to maintain and  viable semen in hot weath-                                 The Midwest Cattleman · September 30, 2021 · P25
      too demanding of energy to  er. I don’t recall ever having            decades, believing that the  water, the sight of the sky
      get the cow rebred. The larg- used a bull with a negative             real  wealth  created  annu- and forgets that of all won-
      er-framed cow’s growth con- EPD for scrotal size.”                    ally is biological in nature  ders man himself is the most
      tinues through the second,            Bradford and Kress will         – grass, crops or livestock.  wonderful.”
      third and even fourth calf.  sort out 75 to 80 bulls to keep          But the main goal all along          Angus made it possible
      But a moderately framed cow  back and send the rest to feed           “was to raise a family and  for Bradford to live out that
      will have established her full  out and obtain carcass data           leave them with values that  philosophy, translated as
      size by that point, allowing  on the steers. One more tool            are important,” Bradford  such:  “I chose to farm and
      more energy to be directed  utilized at Brad Z Ranch to               said. He cites not one of his  work with my wife and kids.
      toward reproduction. Fertili- reinforce right thinking and            own philosophical contem- I value that highly.”
      ty is the most valued trait we  correct breeding.                     plations, but one from Saint
      have – the most highly cor-        One Final Philosophy               Augustine:
      related to return on a cow.”          Bradford has counted on           “Man wonders over the
         Bradford believes you can       Angus as his employees for  restless sea, the flowing
      have a lot of milk, but thinks
      it is more efficiently utilized
      post-weaning than pre-wean-          43rd Annual
      ing.  “That heifer with new
      genetics and the right ge-            Sydenstricker Genetics Production Sale
      netics is pretty valuable,” he            Saturday, November 20 ▪ 10:00 a.m. at the farm
      said. “And 35 pounds of milk
      in her may wean a good calf,
      but it won't be much good to         Sydenstricker Genetics has a long history of combining genetic        Selling:
      you if she comes up open.”           diversity with balanced trait superiority to produce breeding stock      82 Fall Yearling Bulls
                                                                                                                    (semen tested ready to work)
         Fleshing ability is another       that will go out and work in the real world.  We are diligent in         87 January Bull Calves
      factor,  says Bradford.  “The        performance testing, and believe in supplying our customers all the      (Wintering Program available)
      females that have the ability        information .... all the time.                                           1 Embryo lot
      to deposit some fat at an ear-                                                             The 169 bulls offered   66 Fall Calving Pairs
                                                                                                   have an average
      lier age may carry through                                                                 $Combined Index ($C)   29 Spring Bred Cows
      better in lactation time,” he                                                               of $290.69, which   56 Spring Bred Heifers
                                                                                                                    70 Fall Yearling Heifers
      said.  “Research shows that                                                                ranks in the top 10%   45 Spring Heifer Calves
                                                                                                  of non-parent bulls
      a pound of feed put into a
      cow before calving may be                                                           LOT 152—SydGen Enhance GA 0813
      as beneficial as two pounds
      given to her after calving. In                                                      Birthdate: 09/04/20     Reg.# 20013485
      other words, get some con-                                                          BW: 62   WW: 805   YW: 1298
      dition, body condition score                                                        One of 10 fall bulls & 8 spring bulls sired the $C standard and
      5 to 6, on your cows before                                                         breed’s registration leader, ENHANCE.  The dam of this
      calving to enhance a higher                                                         standout is the $100,000-valuation SYDGEN RITA 5730.
      conception rate next breed-               CED   BW     WW     YW    SC     Doc   Milk   CW    Marb   RE     Fat   $M     $B     $C
      ing season.”                              +8    +0.6   +84   +152   +0.55   +28   +25   +68   +0.93   +0.87   -0.036   87   187   330
         The     genetic    selections
      made for feed efficiency, car-
      cass improvement, heifer
      pregnancy and fertility are
      bottom line improvers in
      Bradford's book. But, fertili-
      ty is not all up to the cows                                                        Lot 7 - SydGen Erica 6071
      he says.                                                                            Birthdate: 1/6/16     Reg.# 18444008
                                                                                          A beautiful daughter of STRAIGHT UP with 4 birth ratios at
      What About the Bulls                                                                105, 4 weaning at 109, 3 IMF at 104 and 3 RE at 101.  She
         “Scrotal size and shape                                                          has already produced a $45,000 ENHANCE heifer and a
      are correlated to the number                                                        $16,000 FATE son.  She sells bred to GAR Home Town for a
      of cows safe in calf,” Bradford                                                     mid-January heifer calf.  Her January heifer calf by Jindra
      said. “I'm a crank on scrotal                                                       Megahit also sells.
      size. It's one of the main cri-
      teria for selecting bulls and I           CED   BW     WW     YW    SC     Doc   Milk   CW    Marb   RE     Fat   $M     $B     $C
      look for a narrow neck at the             +7    +1.6   +59   +111   +0.23   +7   +29    +51   +.83   +0.76   +0.005   58   164   271
      top of the scrotal. Blood ves-                                                                                             EPDs as of 9/16/21
      sels run close to the skin. Air         Complete catalog available online; mailed with November
      circulating there cools them               Angus Journal; or on request from the Farm Office   2 244tthh  AAnnnnuuaall  SSyyddGGeenn  IInnfflluueennccee  CCoommmmeerrcciiaall  HHeeiiffeerr  SSaallee
      down. A wide base attached              Check out our website for complete weights, calving, and        7:00 p.m.—Callaway Livestock Center,  Kingdom City, MO
      to the body means the chanc-                   other updates as they become available      Selling 125 head of top commercial bred heifers.  All heifers
      es are that it is filled with                   Produc�on Sale broadcast online at         have met a stringent set of qualifica�ons, and all will be sired
                                                                                                           by, or bred to SydGen Herd Sires.
      fat and doesn't lend to a high                       www.DVAuc�
      fertility bull. I can just about                                                                                            Visitors Always
      score bulls on their fertility        Registered Angus Ca�le                                                                    Welcome
                                            Since 1952
      based on that aspect. An 'air                                                                                                  Kyle Vukadin
      conditioned' bull  (one that          Eddie L Sydenstricker                                          Ben Eggers—(573) 473-9202   Kenneth Roberts
      has a definite narrow neck on         Sydenstricker Nobbe John Deere   PO Box 280 ▪ Mexico, MO  65265   Farm Office—(573) 581-1225   Kyle Tate
      the scrotum) has much more            (573) 581-5900                                                 Bub Raithel—(573) 253-1664   Brad Slaven
                                     Blake McDonald—(573) 205-7914   Cooper Ervin
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