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The Midwest Cattleman · September 30, 2021 · P28
          Register for Angus


      bers, commercial producers  turing Value  session. The  WE ARE ON THE WEB!

         The American Angus Asso- of the feeder-cattle market-
      ciation  invites  Angus  mem- place by attending the Cap-

      and beef industry profes- first-of-its-kind panel will
      sionals to the 2021  Angus  provide  insight  from  video
      Convention and Trade Show  auction                representatives,
      in  Fort Worth, Texas,  Nov.       feedyard operators, seed-       
      6-8.  The event will provide  stock producers and industry
      three  days to make connec- professionals.
      tions, find solutions, and be         “The AngusLinkSM  team
      inspired to foster operational  was excited to offer this op-
      growth and personal leader- portunity to commercial pro-                November 20, 2021                Cattlemen's Livestock Exchange
      ship.                              ducers for the first time ever,”             12 Noon                    New Name- Same Location
         Several educational ses- says Troy Marshall, director                                                    Charlotte, AR - HWY 25
      sions, from cattle handling  of commercial industry re-                                                   7750 White Drive, Cord, AR
      to the latest in genomics, will  lations.  “We invite produc-                                                140 Quality Lots
      offer management insights  ers to attend all educational                                                  50 Bulls •90 Females
      to apply at home.  Take ad- sessions, but we created the
      vantage of learning from in- Capturing  Value panel to                                                   Pairs | Bred and Open Heifers |
                                                                                                                      Service-Age Bulls
      dustry professionals during  help directly benefit those in                                            --Semen Checked | Scrotal Measured--
      Angus University-sponsored  the feeder-calf business.”                                                         Minimum Weights
      breakout sessions and watch           Learn more about the con-                                    View the sale book:     On-Line Bidding:
      hands-on education by at- vention sessions, speakers,                                               CCI.LIVE
      tending a session in the cat- tours and more on                  Sims Plus, LLC
      tle demonstration area.                      Sale Manager, Auctioneer        Northeast Arkansas Angus Association
         Participants will gain per-                                           Mark C. Sims
                                                                                                                  Dickie Smith, VP: 870-878-1102
      spective from commercial in-                                             Cell: (580) 595-0901              Pam Taylor, Sec: 870-346-5657
      dustry leaders on the future                                             Email:        Christina Spencer, Treas: 870-809-0910

                                            DISCIPLINE + PROVEN GENETICS = V
                                            DISCIPLINE + PROVEN GENETICS = VALUEALUE
                                                                   3rd Annualnnual
                                                                   3rd A
                                            FALL BULL & COMMERCIAL FEMALE SALEALL BULL & COMMERCIAL FEMALE SALE
                  GENETICS                                   Saturday, November 6, 2021                              Worthington Ashland 08orthington Ashland 08
                                                         12 Noon * At the farm * Dadeville, MO                        +14 CED, top 5% Marb & $C,
                                                                                                                          top 20% YW.
                                                          65 Bulls (Angus & SimAngus) & 100+ Commercial Females
                   $                              Selling         ALL Method Genetics DNA tested

                                                                                                                 Worthington Ashland 013orthington Ashland 013
                                                                                                                  Double digit calving ease,
                                                                                                                   top 10% YW, Marb & $B.

                                                                         Worthington Phoenix 036orthington Phoenix 036
                                                                              Top 3% $B & $C,
                                                                          top 10% CED, WW, YW, Marb.
                                                                                                      Worthington Propulsion 160Borthington Propulsion 160B
                                                                                                      +346 $C, top 1% RE, $W, $G, $B, $C,
                 Free Delivery • 100% AI & ET • Repeat Customer Discount • Breeding Guarantee • Genomic Testing • Commercial Female Sales • Feedlot & Order Buyer Relationships
                                                                                                          top 3% Marb, 4% YW & CW.

                                                                                                                   WORTHINGTON ANGUS
                                                                                                                Josh, Corry, Wriston, Grayson & Corbin
                                                                                                               431 N. Dade 231 • Dadeville, MO 65635
                                                                                                                       (417) 844-2601

             Connect with us:                                                                    

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