Page 23 - Sep302021
P. 23

The shift in thinking ren- going to lose a lot of indepen-                          The Midwest Cattleman · September 30, 2021 · P23
      dered measurable results.          dence to succeed. Something
         “At a time when most  for nothing doesn't exist. Dad
      calves at the county fairs  was in WWI, and saw what
      were  weighing around 900  it  was  like  in  Europe  and
      pounds, the Doran Bros. out  countries that were socialist
      of Boone County Iowa had  directed.”
      Angus  steers  weighing  over         With  cattle  and  the  cow-
      1,400,” Bradford said.  “We  man both pulling their
      were interested in cattle that  weight, Bradford managed
      made a living for people, and  to raise his large family with
      continued to select for a lot of  Angus  solely  footing the
 Fertility is Jim Bradford's  performance.”

      Balancing Performance                           continued on page 24
                  Number One Angus Philosophy  with Productivity
         Pounds across the scales
      meant more money in the
      family's pocket, still, the
      foresight to keep things
      in  balance  ran  deep  in the
      Bradford family philosophy
      as well.
         “While we selected for
      performance, the key to not
      going  overboard was  fertil-
      ity,” Bradford said. “You can                                                                                               Adj WW  725
      get them so big, they are late                                                                                               Adj YW  1578
      in maturity and can regress                                                                                                 Adj IMF  5.5
      in terms of fertility. That's a                                                                                              Adj RE 18
      major,  major  factor. Without
      breeding regularly, you've                                                                                                 *19979965
      lost  the  game.  It's  a  trait                                                                                              2/8/20
      that's too often overlooked.
      Too many excuses are made
      for it.”                                                                  CED +9     BW +1.5    WW +86     YW +145     MB +.91
         Strictly calving in the                                                RE +.88    $M +78     $B +181    $C +313
      spring has kept the females
      honest in his herd, according
      to Bradford.
         “For a few years, we did fall
      calving,” he said. “That got to
      be a little bit of an excuse for
      cows that fell out of breed-
      ing. They'd get moved to fall.
      By sticking to a spring-only
      calving season,  this  keeps                                                                                                   02/10/2016
      them accountable to breed-
      ing on time. It's a hard line,
      but you need a rigid set of                                                                              CED +11   BW -.7  WW +74  YW +142  MB +.87
      parameters that  keep  your                                                                              RE +.95  $M +55  $B +211  $C +329
      quality up and keep the eco-                                                                                 Owned with SydGen and Brinkley .
                                                                                                                     Semen at ORIgen and ABS.
      nomics of it in focus.”
         Bradford grew up with ex-                                                                 Adj WW  727
      pectations on him as a ranch-                                                                 Adj YW  1490
      er as well.                                                                                  Adj IMF  8.6
         “My dad's philosophy was                                                                   Adj RE  16.6
      that the world doesn't owe
      you  a  living,”  he  said.  “You                                                         *19979968
      have  opportunities. Think                                                                  2/29/20
      things through more in-
      tently and study the issue.                CED +10     BW +.4     WW +78    YW +140     MB +1.10
      That's the way I was raised.               RE +.86     $M +62    $B +189     $C +307
      Dad wasn't in any farm pro-
      grams. He thought that it
      would grow the government                                                                                         Wes Tiemann
                                                                                                                        (816) 244-4462
      to  surrender  your  freedom                                                                            
      for a handout. With govern-
      ment overspending beyond
      any bounds, pretty soon, if                                                                                    Video and Sale Broadcast
      the dollar goes to naught due
      to inflationary values, you're                                                                                            EPDs as of 9/1/21
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