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P. 30

The Midwest Cattleman · March 10, 2022 · P30
        Should you invest more in reproductive management?

                               By Jordan Thomas, State Cow-Calf Specialist, University of Missouri
         Have you ever sat down  don’t forget, we also ought to             What should that cost be?
      and figured out what it costs  include the cost of repairing or       Benchmarks
      to breed a cow? It might seem  replacing all of the things the          One way to attempt to an-
      like an easy number to calcu- bulls tear up – “if you know,           swer cost-related questions
      late, since we can add up all of  you know,” as they say.             is to look at others’ costs as a
      our natural service bull pur-         An economist might remind       benchmark. I occasionally see
      chases and subtract out the  you to include opportunity               benchmarks for breeding costs
      salvage value of any bulls sold. costs as well; after all, the eq-    as low as the $40- per-cow
         Of course, we need to add  uity  and  other  resources  tied                                         and the per-cow cost of natu-
      in the costs of pasture, feed  up by those bulls could have           range. We can debate wheth-       ral service bulls in that situ-
                                                                            er we think that number is
      and mineral for those bulls as  been  used to generate a re-          optimistically low – I tend to    ation still amounts to $30 per
      well. We also need to include  turn in other ways. Perhaps            think it is. But today I have a   cow. In this hypothetical, then,
      any health costs and routine  leaving aside that last point,          different question in mind: If    the $50 per cow in added cost
      care costs for those bulls. And  we ought to be able to come up       a $40-per-cow breeding cost is    (synchronization       products,
                                                           with at least    actually an attainable bench-     labor,  semen,  etc.)  brings  the
                                                           an     approx-   mark, why would any com-          total breeding costs on a per-
                                                           imation      of  mercial producer ever invest      cow basis up to around $80.
                                                           the total dol-   $50 or so per cow in carrying     That is essentially double the
                                                           lar   amount     out an estrous synchroniza-       $40 benchmark. How in the
                                                           spent       on   tion and fixed-time artificial    world, you might ask, could it
                                                           breeding. Di-    insemination (A.I.) program?      ever be a profitable decision
                                                           viding    that     Let’s flesh out this compar-    to double a cost of production
                                                           by the num-      ison. Just for the sake of mak-   like that?
                                                           ber of cows      ing it extreme, let’s say the use  A better management
                                                           exposed, we      of a fixed-time A.I. program to  mindset
                                                           come up with     begin the breeding season al-
                                                                                                                 We have to be thoughtful
                                                           a    breeding    lows only a modest reduction  about how we approach cost-re-
                                                           cost on a per-   in the number of bulls re- lated benchmarks. If you have
      A.I. has many advantages, including access to a larger population   cow  basis.
      of sires. Photo by Wendy Sweeter.                                     quired on the farm or ranch,  a  minute,  take a  look  at the

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