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P. 28

The Midwest Cattleman · March 10, 2022 · P28

                                                                      IGS CARCASS EPD UPDATES

                                                                                            By Randie Culbertson, PhD

                                                                          Carcass records on terminal cattle remain
                                                                       rare and highly sought-after phenotypes for
                                                                       National Cattle Evaluation. As the number of
                                                                     carcass phenotypes are limited in the National
                                                                      Cattle Evaluation, IGS uses breed effects from
                                                                        the USDA Meat Animal Research Center to
                                                                      adjust genetic predictions for various breeds.
                                                                         Programs like the Carcass Merit Program
                                                                       and Carcass Expansion Program are adding

                                                                           valuable terminal records and genomic
                                                                            information to the genetic evaluation.

         As with any trait under  may see a shift in the EPD  within contemporary groups,  and  often from herds with
      selection,     breed      effects value but the bulls still have  using  field data  (i.e. IGS  breeding systems designed
      will  change over time. As a  the same rank among other  data) can lead to unreliable  specifically to obtain these
      result, US-MARC updates  bulls with the  same breed  estimation of breed effects.  breed  effects.  In  the  case  of
      their  breed effects annual- percentage. However, rerank- In those                                      carcass  trait breed differ-
      ly and the IGS Multi-breed  ing occured when comparing                  cases, breed effects from  ences, the IGS Multi-breed
      Genetic Evaluation recently  one breed to another as well  scientific               literature     are Genetic Evaluation uses the
      updated the breed effects in  as different percentage com- often  used.  The advantage  breed effects derived from
      the published EPDs (as of  posites.                                   of using breed effects from  US-MARC.
      12/20/21). The  implementa-           An ongoing challenge of  literature is that the effects
      tion of these  updated breed  estimating carcass EPDs  are derived from “clean” data
      effects caused some changes  is  the lack of carcass phe-
      in carcass EPDs. The adjust- notypes. This lack of pheno-
      ments  are  set  to  an  Angus  types creates a real challenge
      base and are applied depend- for the genetic evaluation
      ing on the breed percent of  to          appropriately     account
      the animal. When comparing  for breed differences.  With
      the rank of bulls with a high  traits  that have limited re-
      percent of a breed, breeders  cords and breed comparisons
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