Page 27 - MWC 3-10-2022s
P. 27
essary in nerve function The Midwest Cattleman · March 10, 2022 · P27
and therefore muscle con-
traction. Cattle with grass
tetany become excitable, de-
velop muscle tremors, and
have difficulty breathing
and in the worst case, death.
The most common meth-
od of preventing grass teta-
ny is to supplement the herd
with magnesium beginning
at least 1 month prior to
spring grazing. Mineral
supplements that contain
10 to 12% magnesium as
magnesium oxide, called
High Mag minerals in lay
terms, are commonly used.
At 3 to 4 oz intake, such
minerals will provide 40 to
50% of a cow’s daily magne-
sium requirement. Mineral
supplement intake is often
reduced when higher rates
of magnesium are added LOT 1
due to the unpalatability of
magnesium oxide. Mineral
mixtures will not effectively AnnuAl AnnuAl BULL SALEBULL SALE 9/15/2020 #0129 M954005
offset mineral deficiencies BW: 73 AWW: 751 AYW: 1,375
if desired amounts are not
consumed, therefore intake LOT 2
must be monitored.
Selling 64 Charolais Bulls
Selling 64 Charolais Bulls
NCBA AND PLC 31 Fall born 18-month-olds and 33 Spring Yearlings
continued from page 25
IInterstate Regional Stockyards nterstate Regional Stockyards
ue to fight for science-based Cuba, Missouri 11/25/2020 #2008 EM954014
decisions regarding ESA SIRE: RBM TR RHINESTONE Z38
listing and look toward the LOT 4 BW: 75 AWW: 784 AYW: 1,606
Biden administration to do
the same. Saturday
Background: In May 2021,
NCBA and PLC led a coali- March 26
tion of agricultural groups,
including the American
Sheep Industry Association, 2022
American Farm Bureau Fed- 6/1/2020 #095 M954674
eration, and the American SIRE: WCR NOTORIOUS 6170 P LOT 3
Forest Resource Council, to 1 p.m. BW: 81 AWW: 786 AYW: 1,421
file an amicus brief in de- 7/12/2020 #096 EM954672
fense of delisting the gray LOT 16 SIRE: RFC BOOGER SUGAR 12D PLD
BW: 78 AWW: 826 AYW: 1,479
wolf under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA). Further,
NCBA and PLC appealed the
Ninth Circuit’s denial of in-
9/13/2020 #0116 M954011 LOT 40
BW: 66 AWW: 745 AYW: 1,492
1/6/2021 #103 M960299
BW: 87 AWW: 701 AYW: 1,413
Mike & Sara Kisner View Videos, Bid & Buy Online
Connor & Cannon
5805 Perkins Rd. • De Soto, MO 63020
(636) 236-0306 cell