Page 29 - MWC 3-10-2022s
P. 29
The Midwest Cattleman · March 10, 2022 · P29
Bull to Female Ratios – Preparing for Breeding Season
By Mark Z. Johnson, OSU Extension Beef Cattle Breeding Specialist
Breeding season is ap- is “prime of life” for breeding spring, it is a good idea to pen
proaching, and bull turnout bulls. This isn’t to say that all bulls of similar ages and size
is only a few weeks away for bulls will break down at this together for several weeks
many herds. We are fortunate age, but is more likely to hap- prior to start of breeding sea-
in Oklahoma to have a large pen after age six. Often when son to allow for social ranking
number of outstanding regis- an older bull goes bad, it isn’t of bulls. This time together
tered seedstock breeders who discovered until after breed- allows bulls to establish a
are, and will be, marketing ing season when we are doing “pecking order” so they will
bulls in volume in our state. pregnancy checks. be ready to focus on their job
The opportunity to invest in Social Behavior of Bulls at turnout.
genetics to improve the prof- When you invest in bulls this
it potential of your operation
leads to several questions and
requires planning.
The first goal of breeding
season is to get cows bred
early in breeding season re-
sulting in more calves born
earlier in calving season,
shorter breeding/calving sea-
March 27, 2022 • 1 p.m.arch 27, 2022 • 1 p.m.
sons, older calves at wean- M
ing and ultimately, more
pay weight at weaning due N
Nodaway County Community Building | 25669 Hawk Road, Maryville, MOodaway County Community Building | 25669 Hawk Road, Maryville, MO
to calf age. The typical beef
calf gains about 2 lbs./day
up until weaning, according-
ly a calf born one heat cycle
(21 days) earlier will wean off
about 40 lbs. heavier. How do
we get this accomplished? By
having an adequate number
of bulls to get cows serviced.
The following shows a con-
servative expectation of the
number of cows we should ex-
pect bulls to cover in a defined
breeding season.
12 - 15-month-old bulls =
10 – 12 females
15 - 18-month-old bulls =
12 – 18 females
18 - 24-month-old bulls =
18 – 25 females SELLINGELLING
24 mo. & older = 25 – 35 fe-
2 – 6-year-old bulls = 25 –
35 females
Rule of Thumb: One female BullsBulls
per month of age at turnout & &
(after passing yearling Breed- Yearling & 18 Month Old Bulls | Spring Pairs
ing Soundness Exam) Red Angus | Salers | Composites
For example: If I have 60 Females
heifers to breed and plan to
turn out 15-month-old bulls, I
will need four bulls.
What is the typical life ex-
pectancy of a breeding bull? www
Typically, up to the age of 6
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