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The Midwest Cattleman · September 14, 2023 · P30
          Why Consider Drylotting Cows This Fall?

                                                       By Connor Biehler, Nebraska Extension Educator
         This fall as pastures contin-
      ue to recover from drought in
      previous years, some produc-
      ers who traditionally pasture
      their cattle are considering
      feeding cow-calf pairs in con-
      finement. Drylotting can be
      a feasible way to allow pas-
      ture recovery, while feeding
      grain, forage, and crop stover
      to pairs. A few of the many ad-
      vantages of a drylot system in-
      clude closer observation of the
      herd, low weaning stress, and
      providing opportunity to bunk
      break calves prior to weaning.
         While input costs of confined
      feeding of pairs is more expen-
      sive than in years past due to
      increased commodity prices, it
      provides the opportunity for
      producers to stockpile forage
      in the future. With hay prices     Knowing the quality of your feedstuffs is an important part of feeding cattle in a drylot. Photo - Karla Wilke
      still above $200/ton, limiting
      inclusion amounts in diets is      is recommended to test your  haviors like fence chewing.             ducer has, maximizing bunk
      economical. However, in order      feed  as  a  total  mixed  ration,   If properly managed, con- space per head is highly rec-
      to keep a healthy rumen, for-      but more importantly testing  fined feeding herd health is  ommended to allow smaller,
      age  inclusion  should  be  at     forages prior to the feeding pe- comparable to pasture scenar- more timid cattle a spot at the
      least 0.5% of the cow’s weight     riod. This allows nutritionists/ ios. Cattle should be lotted into  bunk.
      on a dry matter basis.             producers the ability to devel- pens allowing 500-800 square            Here are a few other things
         When developing rations,        op rations that properly meet  feet  per  pair.  If  pens  are  too  to keep in mind if intending to
      consider using cost per unit of    the  nutrient  requirements  of  large  and  dry  conditions  per- dry lot cows:
      protein and energy to deter-       the animal, and not exceed  sist, the increased dust from               -Feeding whole corn works       1   0  1  0  2  , 0  3   r e  b   m   e t p   e S   n a     m   e l t t a C   t s e    w   d i M     e  h  T
      BSE Clinic Time                       To further reduce wasting  er chance of pneumonia for  daily forage intake is at 0.5%
      mine the most cost-effective
                                                                            the surface promotes a great- better than rolled corn when
                                         them, wasting resources.
      feed.  If  available,  corn  silage
      produces more energy per           of feed resources, drylots pro- calves. When planning to dry- of body weight
      By Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension
      acre than any other crop. Si-      vide the option to limit feed,  lot cows, allow for 28-36 inches        -Mineral can be either
      lage mixes well with low qual-     by reducing intake while still  of bunk space per pair.              mixed into the feed or fed free
        Has your bull had a breeding
                                          We’ve  scheduled  four  clinics  of  cows  keep  coming  back  in  progeny differences (EPDs) and
      soundness  exam  (BSE) since
      ity forages, and it can help to  where  you  can  get  your  bulls  heat.  There  are  no  other  out-   breeding programs or whatever
                                         meeting nutritional require-
                                                                              It is ideal to separate cows  choice.
      limit the needed inclusion of  completely  examined,  given  ward signs of trich in the bull  is on your mind. Ed Trotter with
      you pulled him from the breed-     ments. Limit feeding should  based on nutrient require-                 -Feeding cattle in a dry lot
      ing pasture this summer? Fer-      be fed at least 1.75% of body  ments. Younger cows and first  increases the production life of
                                                                                                               Pfizer will be at some of the clin-
                                         parasite control treatment and  or cow for that matter.
      low-quality hay, which can
      tility and breeding ability can  vaccinated and be ready to turn                                         ics  with  information  on  their
      help to prevent ruminal im-
                                         weight,  otherwise  cows  will  calf heifers have greater ener- older, broken mouth cows
      fluctuate in bulls from year-to-    exhibit irritable disposition  gy and protein requirements,           DNA evaluation program.
                                                                             Here are the dates and loca-
                                         out  if  everything  checks  out
      paction. Low level grain inclu-
                                                                                                                 -A smaller, confined area,
      year  and  season-to-season.  If  okay. In addition, if you’d like,  tions of our fall clinics.           Call the above veterinary of-
      sion can also decrease cost per
                                         from lack of fill. This can be  whereas mature cows in good  allows for easier health checks
      you’ve preg checked your cows  they can check your bull for the                                          fices for your appointment time.
      unit of energy.
                                         mitigated further by feeding  condition require less energy  of cattle
      and found several open, it just  sexually  transmitted  disease,       October 11 - Barry County Vet  Of course, there’s a limit to the
         Knowing the quality of your
                                         long stem hay, which promotes  relevant to their body weight.
      might  be  cause  to  check  him  trichomoniasis. Trich is on the  Services, Cassville                   number of bulls the clinics can
      feedstuffs is an important part
                                         rumination, keeping the cattle  If feeding everything in one  UNL BEEF
      out.                               more content and reducing be- pen is the only option a pro-           accept so you may need to pick a
                                                                             Contact: Dr. Voyd Brown, 847-
                                         rise in this part of the world. It’s
      of feeding cattle in a drylot. It
                                                                                                               different time and/or a different
                                         suspected when a large number  2677
                                                                                                               veterinarian. It’s just important
        Buffalo Livestock Market                                            Clinic, Billings                    A survey of cow-calf farms in
                                                                             October 12 - Kent Veterinary  to have your bulls checked out.
                                                                             Contact Dr. Harvey Kent, 744-     24 states in 2008 showed that
                                                                            2222                               about 25% do a semen evalua-
          Special   Cattle Sale                     Special      Sheep
                                                                                                               tion on their bulls before turn-
        Vaccinated    Every                        Stock Cow      &          October 13 - Dake Veterinary  out. I doubt if we’re that high
                                    Watch our                  Goat Sale
          Cattle     Saturday     sale live on the   & Bull Sale            Clinic, Miller                     in  southwest  Missouri.  The
                                    Internet at
           Sale     12:00 Noon                          Contact: Dr. Chuck Dake, 452-     October BSE clinics in the past
                                                   3rd Tuesday  4th Tuesday  3301                              few years have found more prob-
         2nd Sat. of   Selling all classes
         Each Month   of cattle                                                                                lems with bulls than the clinics
                                                                             October 14 - Countryside Ani-     in  March.  Hot  weather  could
                                                                            mal Clinic, Aurora                 be more of a problem than cold
             Lyle Caselman - Owner-Manager: 417-345-7876 • Mobile: 417-533-2944  Contact: Dr. Mike Bloss, 678-  when it comes to bull fertility. It
                Leon Caselman - Owner: 417-345-4514 • Mobile: 417-588-6185  4011                               could even be from fescue toxins
                      Call Lyle or Leon to find out what we can do for you:                                    consumed or a combination of
            Danny Cross 417-576-5461 • John Sanwald 417-588-9113 • Bobby Cole 573-674-3131   Besides the BSE, I will be at  factors.
                                                                                 POLLED RED AND BLACK
                                                                            the clinics to answer questions,
                       Barn 417-345-8122                                    discuss  bull  sales,  expected
                                                  Green Springs
                                   Performance & Efficiency Tested
                             BULL SALE                                                                90 BULLS

                                                                                                         200 on test
                                 Sunday, Nov. 21st, 1:00 P.m.                                        Selected from over
                                    at Mo-Kan Livestock, Butler, MO                                    8 Breeds
                                                                                                     Large Genetic Pool

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                              pass the test”
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                                                              Call 448-7416 for information
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