Page 29 - MWC 9-14-2023s
P. 29
The Midwest Cattleman · September 14, 2023 · P29
Anaplasmosis Best Management Practices
By Mark Z. Johnson
Anaplasmosis is a common vaccine does not prevent in-
disease in cattle with world- fection, but anecdotal evi-
wide distribution. The disease dence demonstrates a reduc-
is regularly found in cattle in tion in clinical signs.
the state of Oklahoma. Ac- In Oklahoma it is not a
cordingly, Anaplasmosis will matter of “if” but rather a
occur every year within Okla- matter of “when” anaplas-
homa with some variation on mosis will impact your cat-
the intensity of this disease tle herd. Best management
usually based on the strain of practices to prevent and con-
Anaplasma marginale which trol the transmission of this
is a bacteria that infects red disease include:
blood cells, and once an an- •Feeding tetracycline anti-
imal becomes infected they biotic during the fly and tick
are infected for life. Anaplas- breathing. Most producers with injectable antibiotics via seasons (essential)
mosis is transmitted through will not know they have an an intramuscular injection of •Rotating pastures (when
the bite of ticks and flies, as anaplasmosis problem until oxytetracycline administered possible) to avoid pastures
well as blood contaminat- they see dead cows or bulls multiple days and should be with a history of tick issues
ed instruments like needles, that are older than 2-years of given under a veterinarian’s during tick season
tattoo tools, castration equip- age. This disease can be dev- directions. Successful antibi- •Burning pastures in the
ment and dehorning instru- astating with death losses in otic therapy curing the clin- spring to control ticks
ments. This bacteria does not some herds approaching 50%. ical signs of infection results •Controlling fly and tick
harm the red blood cells di- in a carrier animal. Carrier populations to the extent pos-
rectly, but the cow’s immune Best Management cattle will be immune to fur- sible
response recognizes it when it Practices for Treatment ther disease from anaplasmo- •Changing needles and
reaches certain levels which and Prevention sis but will remain a source disinfecting any instruments
then causes anemia due to the First, consult with your from which needles, flies and which may result in trans-
immune system killing the veterinarian so that they ticks can spread the disease. mitting blood from animal to
red blood cells that are infect- can develop a comprehensive A vaccine is available in some animal when working cattle.
ed. This will limit the amount plan to limit the impact of states and Oklahoma is ap-
of oxygen that is transport- anaplasmosis. This relation- proved for this vaccine. This
ed throughout the animal’s ship is important because the
blood, which can then lead to most commonly utilized con-
aggressive behaviors exhib- trol plan is to administer tet-
ited by normally docile cows racycline antibiotics through
or bulls. Other clinical signs mineral supplements or feed
that animals are infected and the only access to this
with the bacteria are extreme preventative treatment is to
lethargy, yellowing of the mu- obtain a Veterinary Feed Di-
cous membranes, abortions, rective (VFD). Clinical signs
weight loss, and difficulty of infections can be treated
BULL DEVELOPMENT the bull periodically to make
continued from page 11 sure he is breeding cows. Also
monitor cows and if you no-
2 years. For example, if the tice multiple cows repeatedly
bull is 14 months old then returning to estrus or heat
he should be paired with 14 during the breeding season
cows. Mature bulls should this might be the result of a
be paired in a ratio of 1 to 25 bull failure which means the
to 35 cows for optimum preg- bull may need to be evaluat-
nancy rates. ed and possibly replaced. On
If multi-sire bull breeding young bulls, watch for main-
pastures are used make sure tenance in body condition
bulls are close in age and and if condition slips to a 4,
are acclimated to each other which is considered thin con-
prior to turn out. This will dition, the bull should be re-
cut down on fighting and in- placed with a bull in accept-
jury issues as the bulls enter able condition and energy
the breeding pasture which status. Also watch bulls for
means they are more likely any injuries and treat or re-
to go breed cows. place the bull as those prob-
Once the bull is in the lems arise.
breeding pasture, monitor
to make sure proper perfor-
mance is taking place. Check