Page 28 - MWC 9-14-2023s
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      OPTIONS FOR                        drying process  does not de-                        The Midwest Cattleman · September 14, 2023 · P28
      continued from page 27             crease nitrates, so this hay
                                         may need to be diluted in the
                                                                            Feeder Cattle Daily
       Live Cattle                                                          SHORT SUPPLIES                        This narrowing premium
      Harvesting high-nitrate            diet with other forages low in     continued from page 17            gap is typical of a market
      forage as silage                   nitrates.                          the holiday, and wholesale        where short supplies result in
         If done right, ensiling can        •Grinding and blending of                                         higher prices across all qual-
      decrease nitrate content of the    low and high nitrates hay is       prices will seek an early fall    ity offerings. The CAB tradi-
                                                                            low mid-October. In the last
      forage by 40 to 60%. Ensiling      best to reduce risk.               5 years, the CAB cutout price     tional (Premium Choice) cut-
      is one of the best ways to de-        •Feeding a couple pounds        dropped 7% from  the last         out premium above Choice is
      crease the potential nitrate       of grain per cow each day can      week in August to the third       currently record-wide, pull-
      toxicity of a forage, so this      also help reduce risk.             week in October.                  ing back from $21.93/cwt. to
      is an option worth consider-          •Producers should unroll          The five-year average also      $18.00/cwt. in the past two
      ing.  Warm season annuals          the low nitrate hay first, then    shows the fourth quarter          weeks. One might estimate
      such as corn, sorghum, sor-        after they have consumed           trend brings on a nearly 5%       that this premium spread
      ghum-sudan and pearl millet        most  of  the  low  nitrate  hay,   price recovery from the Octo-    could  also  be  subject  to  fur-
      can all be harvested as silage     roll out high nitrate hay, if      ber low through early Decem-      ther compression in the near
      as can small cereals such as       blending the hay isn’t possi-      ber. Interestingly, the August    term given what we’ve ob-
      oats, barley, cereal rye, and      ble. Be sure animals are not       CAB cutout value has conse-       served with the Prime pre-
      wheat.                             hungry when eating the high        quently been higher than the      mium.
         •Harvesting at the prop-        nitrate hay (slow intake is                                             The Choice/Select spread
        Live Cattle:  My thoughts center around this market stabilizing now.  I’ve been  fourth quarter high in this
                                                                              Feeder Cattle:  All you have to do is look at the corn market for a reason for the
      er moisture content (65-70%)       key to reducing risk).             period. This is a result of the   remains historically robust at
                                                                            pull-back in feeders. If I owned a feedlot I’d be nervous to say the least.  I do feel
      placing a bullish tilt to this market for some time now.  I may need to temporarily
      and packing it well are keys          •To adapt the cattle, start     increasing trend toward for-      $26.07/cwt. in today’s USDA
      place this on “hold” for a while.  The higher placements the last three months will
                                                                            the feeder market has overdone it to the downside and it will be tough to break it
      to lowering  the  nitrate  con-    by feeding the lowest-ni-          ward sales of middle meats        report. While lack of demand
                                                                            further.  The early corn harvest has most feeder buyers in the field and I don’t think
      have a negative impact on prices yet, so like they say, “All good things come to those
                                                                                                              for Select carcasses is an ar-
      tent.                              trate hay and then work up         they’ve really had time to concentrate on buying feeders.  Let’em get caught up a
      who wait”.  I see production numbers staying over last years’ levels until at the
                                         to higher levels. Even with
      least the end of the year.  Beef shipments have been lagging last years’ levels now   in the August timeframe for   chaic price measure for car-
                                                                            little and they’ll head to town.....checkbooks in hand....bulging with “corn” money.
                                         adaptation, feeding hay free-
      for about a month.  Two weeks ago they were 8% lower than last year.  This weeks   fourth quarter demand.  cass values, the Choice/Select
                                                                            This market will rally....wait and see.
      height can also decrease the
                                         choice is risky when the hay
      report showed exports a whopping 56% lower than last year.  This ain’t good.  Low     While we could expect   spread remains the founda-
      amount of nitrates in the si-
      imports and high exports have held this market up all summer.  We’re starting to  cutout  prices to  follow the
      lage,  as  the  highest  concen-   has higher than  2,100 ppm                                           tional and most seasonally
      lose some of that.  I just can’t pull the trigger yet on long term bullish hopes.  outlined historic pattern,
      trations are usually in the        NO3-N. This is because there       fed cattle supplies are set to    variable  quality  grade  com-
      lower stem of the plant.           are likely to be  “hot spots”      be tighter for the period. As     ponent on most packer grids.
         •Letting the silage ferment     in the hay with high nitrate       well, weekly spot market beef     Thus, the feedyard’s realized
                                                                                                  Trading commodity futures involves substantial risk of loss
                                                                                                  and my not be suitable for all investors.  The recommendations
      for at least 21  days will be      content that could result in a     sales in the fourth quarter       price for every carcass at, or
       Rich Nelson
                                                                                                  express opinions of the author.  The information they contain is
                                                 Allendale Inc.
                                                                                                              above, Low Choice quality
       Allendale Inc.
      most effective.                    cow consuming a much high-                               obtained from sources believed reliable, but is in no way guaran-
                                                                                                  teed.  The author may have positions in the markets mentioned
       815-578-6161                      er load of nitrate.                will center on holiday mid-       grade  is  highly  dependent
         Silage should be sampled
                                                                                                  including at times positions contrary to the advice quoted herein.
                                                                                                  Opinions, market data, and
      and analyzed before feeding           •Do not feed hay, straw,        dle-meat roast demand due         on the Choice/Select spread.
                                                                                                  recommendations are subject to change at any time.
                                                                            to highlight items capturing
      What Does this Report Mean to Me?                                                                       With the feedyard’s share of
                                         or fodder suspected of being
      to ensure the amount of si-
                                                                            high prices.
                                         high  in  nitrate  when  it  is
                                                                                                              the Choice/Select spread typ-
      lage in the ration provides
                                                                              This discussion factors
      acceptable nitrate levels in       damp. Damp hay tends to            back to grid pricing for fed      ically ranging near 30% of the
        Q #1
      the diet. Producers should         be more toxic because some                                           total, a spread value larger
      What do you think the price of fats will be in April 2011 cattle and expected quali-
      target an initial diet content     of the nitrate already has                                           than $20/cwt., for instance, is
                                                                            ty price spreads. CattleFax
                                         been converted to the more
      Answer: It’s hard to see the forest for the trees here, but peering through the foliage I see $105.00 fats on the horizon for April.  Demand is
                                                                                                              a key driver to motivate high
      of less than l000 ppm N03-N.
                                         toxic nitrite before being con-
      Animals can then be adapt-
      going to have to kick in though in order to get it.                   recently points out that the      quality carcass production.
      ed to higher levels by slow-       sumed.                             Prime cutout premium over         Current market values are
                                                                            Choice, roughly $35/cwt.,
        Q #2
      ly increasing the inclusion           Producers with high ni-                                           providing  confidence  in  this
                                                                            is nearly half what it was
                                         trate  forage who need as-
       Due to the recent break in feeders, would you be holding your fall-weaned                              direction.
      of high nitrate silage in the
      diet. Over time cattle can be      sistance with developing a         a year ago. This is a sign of        In the waning days ahead
      calves for a while or letting them go?
                                                                            buyer price sensitivity and
      adapted to consume diets up        management plan can con-                                             of Labor Day spot  market
                                                                            pushback for the highest
                                         tact their local extension ed-
      Answer: What ever happened to the easy questions?  This will depend upon your weaning sched-            beef prices are posting posi-
      to 4,000 ppm N03-N.
                                                                            priced, highest quality beef
      ule and your available feed supply.  I’m long term bullish the feeder market but the “reality” of       tive numbers, boosting a bit
      Harvesting high nitrate                                               (disregarding niche prod-         of optimism into the total
      right now probably dictates letting them go.  If you keep them for an extra 30 days, make sure you
      forage for hay                     UNL BEEF                           ucts). However, the weighted      beef complex.
      minimize the grain in the ration.  Grow them on good forage....”sell” $4.50 corn.  If the fat market
                                                                            average grid premium across
         For some situations, hay
      stays sluggish and corn prices don’t moderate, about the only thing you’ve got to hang your hat on
                                                                            packers for Prime carcasses
      may be the only option. The
      for “higher feeders” is “Hope”.                                       this week is $18.49/cwt., just
                                                                            25% lower than a year ago.
                                                                             November  6th
                                                                               Lunch at 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                   Sale at 12:30
                                                                                     Sale Offering
                                                                             16 - 2010 Heifer Calves Jan. - May
                                                                             16 - Breeding Bulls 7 to 18 months              RH Standard Lad 0313
                                                                             16 - Spring Calving Bred Females                 Solid As A Rock Sire Group
                                                                             16 - Spring Calving Black Females  Reynolds Herefords
                                                                                     Bred to Hereford Bulls
                                                                             8 -    Fall Calving Pairs           1071 County Road 1231
                                                                             6 -    Show Steer Prospects
                                                                             Both Horned & Polled Offered         Huntsville, MO 65259
                          573-641-5270                                         November 5, 2010 Sale offerings on   Home: 660-277-3679 • Matt: 660-676-3788
                                                                                     Display 3:00 P.M.
                                                                                   CHB Dinner at 6:00 P.M.         • Barb: 660-676-4788
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