Page 27 - MWC 9-14-2023s
P. 27
The Midwest Cattleman · September 14, 2023 · P27
Options for Safely Using High-Nitrate Forage: Grazing, Silage and Haying
By Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist
Given the drought condi- mature high nitrate forages
tions in some locations this can lower risk. Higher di-
year, many producers may etary energy increases the
be asking themselves how rate of detoxification. Cattle
to handle the annual forag- grazing immature forages
es they have standing in the can have lower risk than ma-
field that may not have grown ture forages with the same
as much as would be expect- amount of nitrate So, if the
ed under normal conditions. forage is older/mature, pro-
These drought-stressed for- ducers should consider grain
ages can be high in nitrates supplementation. This will
and may be potentially toxic supply energy for rumen
to cattle. microbes to convert nitrate
But with careful manage- into bacterial protein and
ment, you can reduce the risk minimizes the accumulation
of grazing drought-stressed of the intermediate nitrite.
forages. So, what are the op- Grain feeding may be of lim-
tions? ited benefit for high quality
Drought stressed forages can be high in nitrates and may be potentially toxic to cattle. annual forages but is a good
Grazing high-nitrate Photo - Troy Walz idea when grazing more ma-
forage egy. Producers should not if intake becomes restricted ture forages.
Most recommendations strip graze high nitrate for- at any point (forage runs out Ultimately, the decision to
for the level of nitrates in ages but allow cattle to be or weather impedes grazing) graze high nitrate fields is a
forages that cause issues selective. The capacity of the producers should fill them up judgement call and a ques-
microbial population in the on lower nitrate hay again
are based on hay, and it is tion of how much risk one is
suggested that levels above rumen to detoxify nitrite before they go back to graz- willing to take.
will increase with exposure ing the high nitrate forage.
2,100 ppm N03-N are toxic.
Often grazing cattle can tol- to nitrate. Nitrates tend to 3.Research has shown that
be greatest in the bottom of feeding a couple pounds of
erate greater concentrations
of nitrates than those con- the stem and with the least corn to cattle when feeding continued on page 28
nitrates in the leaf. If given
suming hay. The amount of
nitrates cattle can consume the opportunity, cattle tend
to select leaf material first
without an issue depends a
lot on the situation and man- and work their way down
the plant, slowly increasing
agement. You can test stand-
ing forage for nitrates, but their nitrate exposure over
the grazing period. That may
situations and management
are so variable we don’t make allow microbial population in
the rumen of grazing cattle to
blanket recommendations
about “safe” levels. If you’re adapt to higher nitrate con-
centrations by the time the
interested in testing stand-
ing forage or have any con- animal consumes the stem
and lower portions of the
cerns about how to approach
high nitrate forage, please plant. Losses from nitrate
toxicity are more likely in
contact your local Extension
educator to work through cattle not adapted to nitrate.
To adapt the cattle, start by
your situation.
If the forage to be grazed grazing the lowest-nitrate
is high moisture it is often fields and then work up to
lower risk. Fresh forages re- the highest. If a lower nitrate
field is not available, pro-
lease nitrates into the rumen
at a slower rate than dry ducers should graze higher
nitrate fields at lower stock-
forages. The slower release • Animals instinctively open our aps
rate allows rumen microbes ing rates to allow animals to • Our aps will not freeze like ball closures do
that convert toxic nitrite to selectively graze the plant • We have less water contamination from animal wastes
ammonia, to better keep up parts that are lower in ni- • Ten Models - For a few animals or for the largest feedyards
with nitrate inflow. If the for- trate concentration.
age is mature and dried out, 2.Feeding cattle prior to
the rate of release of nitrate turnout can help slow initial
and thus the risks would be intake of high nitrate feed.
greater, more like hay. Grazing cattle often have a Zeitlow Distributing - McPherson, KS • 800-364-1605 • Boonville, MO • 800-530-5158
A few things to under- slower rate of dry matter in- SoMo Agri Supply - Springfield, MO • 800-725-1880
stand about risks when graz- take than when eating har- Central Missouri Feed & Supply - 2707 W Rt F • Clark, MO • 573-881-1798
ing higher nitrate forages: vested forages, allowing the OR SEE AN MFA DEALER
1.Gradual adaptation is microbes to better keep pace
a key management strat- with the nitrate inflow. Also, WWW.PRIDEOFTHEFARM.COM 800-553-1791