Page 26 - MWC 9-14-2023s
P. 26
The Midwest Cattleman · September 14, 2023 · P26
What Is
the Best
Needle Size
to Use When
By Paige Carlson
Does it matter what size
needle I use? Is there a one-
Choosing a needle isn’t
quite as simple as grabbing
any random one out of the
vet box. Especially if your op-
eration consists of animals of
different sizes and ages, it’s
important to consider several
factors, say the veterinarians
at Kansas State University’s Depending on the size of the animal, viscosity of the product and administration protocols, a variety of needles might be needed.
Photo - Wyatt Bechtel
Beef Cattle Institute.
Needle size has two compo- Needle Gauge Bob Larson, DVM, shares length, as the skin is much
nents—diameter and length. The diameter, or gauge, his “go-to” needle preferenc- thinner in younger calves
Consider both components to should vary depending on es. For cows, he typically uses compared to that of an adult
appropriately match the job two factors: a 16-gauge needle, unless bovine.
being done. • the size of the animal drawing blood or adminis- Larson says 3/8” to ½”
• viscosity of the product tering IV fluids, in which he might be sufficient, while
might use a slightly larger a longer needle can also be
diameter needle. For young used if preferred, such as a
calves, he prefers an 18- 1.5” needle for cows and bulls
gauge needle. An 18-gauge and 1” for calves.
needle would also be suffi- Longer needles have their
Located 45 mi. SE of Kansas City, Mo on 58 Hwy. east at cient for goats, sheep, and time and place, though they
Modern Kingsville Livestock Auction Center at Kingsville, MO swine. pose a greater risk of break-
Additionally, the viscosity age, especially when working
of the product should help larger numbers of cattle.
Special One Day determine a proper needle
Farm Machinery & diameter. Logically, thicker, How Often Should I
more viscous fluids should be Change the Needle?
Livestock Equipment Sale administered using a larger This can vary depending
bore needle to help the prod- on the status of the herd. If
uct flow faster into the ani- any blood borne diseases are
Friday, October 13th • 9:00 am mal. Alternately, most wa- present, such as Anaplasmo-
ter-based products tend to be sis, Johne’s Disease or bo-
less viscous and can be used vine leukosis virus, changing
with a smaller bore needle. the needle with every single
Make Plans To Attend Our Needle Length animal may be the most ef-
fective in preventing spread
Special Cow & Bull Sale length, consider administra- If there is no risk of dis-
When deciding the best within the herd.
Saturday, Oct. 28th • 11:00 am tion protocols to ensure the ease spread within your herd,
product is administered in changing the needle every 5
the proper location, such as to 10 animals might be more
subcutaneous or intramuscu- reasonable.
lar, and the product’s efficacy Burred or damaged nee-
All Consigners & Buyers Welcome is not affected. dles should be changed im-
Call 816-597-3331 Office cutaneous administration, ence getting the product in
For under the skin, or sub- mediately, as it may influ-
Rick, Jeremy or Jared Anstine needle length can vary based the right spot to be effective.
816-258-3421 • 816-716-9288 • 816-878-5229 on preference.
Brad White, DVM, says Drovers
Website: • email: skin thickness should be a
determining factor of needle