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Life is Simple
        Life is Simple
                                                                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P5

        Copyright 2022,                                                     regular social media updates,  the country, coupled with a re-
        Jerry Crownover                     One  beekeeper,  who  was
                                         suffering from a severe short-     along with pictures of the hive  tiring population of cattle pro-
                                         fall in his income, had devised    that has been “adopted,” show- ducers, along with increased
                                         an ingenious plan: For a one-      ing bees moving in and out  government regulations, have
                                         time contribution of 360 Euros     of the new wooden hive that  contributed  to  the  drastic  de-
                                         (about $370 US), the farmer        has the donor’s, or company’s  cline in beef cow numbers. For
                                         will  install a  new beehive  at   name, prominently displayed.  those who are genuinely con-
                                         one of his locations, complete     The patron will also have the  cerned about the difficulties
                                         with your, or your company’s,      chance to donate again next  faced by today’s cattlemen and
                                         name or logo. He will also         year.                             cattlewomen and want to con-
                                         send you a framed certificate        As you may or may not know,  tribute to helping perpetuate
                                         that acknowledges your com-        the United States’ population  an industry that helped shape
                                         mitment to helping increase        of beef cows is smaller than  this great country, you can.
                                         England’s bee population. In       it has been in decades. Pro-         Make a one-time contribu-
                                         addition, the donor will get       longed drought across much of                   continued on page 10

          I recently watched a  TV
      show that originated in the
      United Kingdom.  The show
      centered on rural life in En-                       Missouri
      gland, and that particular ep-                                                            SALE
      isode exposed the many prob-
      lems faced by beekeepers in
      that country, with declining            Opportunity
      populations of  bees,  beehives                                                             SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2022
      and honey production. Just
      as I have heard in this coun-                                                            FAIRGROUNDS IN SEDALIA, MO • 12:00 NOON
      try, there are lots of different
      theories as to why the number
      of honey bees are declining,                          OFFERING OVER 70 LOTS
      but everyone agrees that they
      are—and drastically.                                      BULLS • SPRING PAIR SPLITS • FALL PAIRS
                                                              SPRING BRED HEIFERS • FALL OPEN HEIFERS
                                                                           SHOW HEIFER PROSPECTS
             A Cutting-Edge Publication
                  Keith Carmichael
           A Cutting-Edge Publication                          /S MANDATE 66589
            417-644-2993  Fax 417-644-7748
               Keith Carmichael
              Advertising in KS or OK
                   Brenda Black
                  Emily Elmore
               Single Wing Creative
                Ashley Williams                                                        C DOUBLE YOUR MILES 6077
                Off. 417-350-8858
                Fax. 866-611-0490
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           Feb. 24 Hereford  Aug. 26 Simmental
           Mar. 10 Salers  Sept. 9 Charolais
           Mar. 31 Brahman Infl.  Sept. 30 Angus
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        Aug. 25  Simmental  Feb. 23 Hereford
         Cover:  Jungles Shorthorn Farms,
        Sept. 15  Charolais  Mar. 9 Brangus
                        Mar. 30 Beefmaster
        Oct. 6  Angus  Kathryn, ND
               Photo by Lee Miller
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             Cover Photo Courtesy of            WWW.MOHEREFORDS.ORG • LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
           Shorthorn Country
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