Page 6 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 6

The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P6
      Oklahoma Drought Conditions Worsening

                                        By Derrell Peel - Oklahoma State University
         The drought situation in  DSCI was at 93 in mid-June  Wheat that is planted will
      Oklahoma       is    increasing- and  has  advanced  to  393  in  either not germinate or may
      ly critical with winter ap- the latest weekly Drought  not survive due to dry condi-
      proaching.  According to the  Monitor, currently the high- tions.  There is little prospect
      Drought Monitor, 99.97 per- est (worst) DSCI of any state  for winter wheat grazing this
      cent of the state is in some  in the nation. The DSCI has  fall.   Hay supplies are very
      stage of drought (D0-D4),  not been this high in Okla- tight, and a wide range of
      with 75.77 percent in D3 (Ex- homa since February 2013.   hay types and qualities are                   water ponds which are filled
      treme) or D4 (Exceptional)  According  to  the  Oklahoma  being  offered.   Failed sum-                 by spring and summer thun-
      drought.  Drought conditions  Mesonet system, the last 120  mer crops are being baled for               derstorms.  Ponds rarely get
      in the Drought Monitor are  days are the driest for the pe- hay including grain sorghum                 replenished in the winter,
      summarized in the Drought  riod in records since 1921.                and soybeans.  The risk of ni-    even in a normal year.
      Severity and Coverage Index           USDA rated Oklahoma  trates is high in many crops                    The impacts of drought
      (DSCI), which can range  pasture conditions 72 percent  and all hay should be test-                     are very evident in cattle
      from 0 to 500.  The Oklahoma  poor to very poor in the latest  ed. Oklahoma Cooperative                 auction volumes.  Since July
                                                          crop  progress  Extension Service (OCES)            1, the volume of feeder cattle
                                                          report.   The  is  offering  reduced  testing       in Oklahoma auctions has
                                                          same     report rates through the end of the        been 19 percent higher year
                                                          showed  that  year for nitrates, basic for-         over year, with the volume
                                                          winter  wheat  age (quality), and livestock         the last two weeks up near-
                                                          planting      in water.   Contact your local        ly 28 percent over last year.
                                                          Oklahoma  County Extension office for               The volume of cull cows has
                                                          was 28 per- assistance with sampling                been up 112 percent year
                                                          cent  complete  and testing forage and water.       over year since July and is
                                                          last      week,     The water situation may         up 150 percent the last two
                                                          well     below soon be the most critical, even      weeks.   Persistent drought
                                                          the  previous  more than forage, for many           conditions are continuing to
                                                          5-year    aver- producers.    Water quantity        force producers to market
                                                          age of 41 per- and quality is low and de-           feeder cattle early and cull
                                                          cent  complete  creasing rapidly.   Oklaho-         additional cows.
                                                          at this time.  ma relies heavily on surface

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