Page 29 - MWC 2-24-2022s
P. 29
separate cows according to or in wooded areas provides The Midwest Cattleman · February 24, 2022 · P29
their nutritional needs and some protection during times
feed them accordingly. Creep of intense rain and cold. A to prevent weak calves next • Maintain a body condi-
feeding calves will help the shed or barn can be benefi- calving season are a solid tion score of 5 for cows (up to
older calves continue to grow cial but remember organisms vaccination and deworming 6 for heifers) to ensure ade-
and lessen the burden on the that cause calf diarrhea build program, proper nutritional quate condition at calving.
lactating dams. up very quickly in areas that management, and avoiding • Allow cows access to
3. Identify the weak calves stay moist and without sun- dystocia. Not only will calf some form of shelter in case
and institute special care – light. Barns should be clean, survival improve but preg- of bad weather when calving.
Normal calves should stand dry, and well-bedded if used nancy rates will increase However, if unable to keep
within 30 minutes of deliv- for calving. If cows were not as well. Keep the following this area clean, calves are far
ery and nurse within 30 min- vaccinated with scours vac- points in mind: better off being born outside
utes of standing. If the calf is cine prior to calving, there • Vaccinate open cows at in a grassy area.
slow to stand and nurse, in- are products available to give least 4-6 weeks before breed- • Have enough help on
tervention is necessary. It is the calf by mouth at birth to ing with a modified live hand at calving to watch
important to dry the calf off, aid in scours prevention. 5-way viral respiratory vac- cows, assist with calving and
dip or spray the navel with 5. Do your best to feed in cine (IBR, BVD Types 1 & 2, treat weak calves if neces-
disinfectant, warm the calf, different spots to avoid creat- PI3, BRSV), with Vibriosis sary. A strong relationship
and feed colostrum with an ing areas of deep mud. Calves and the 5 strains of Lepto- with your local veterinarian
esophageal feeder to ensure and weak cows will get stuck spirosis. Consult your vet- is exceptionally important
it gets enough. Have a good in deep mud and die. Mud erinarian about vaccination for difficult calving situa-
quality commercial colos- is very sticky and will trap protocols in pregnant cattle tions and the evaluation and
trum replacement (NOT sup- weaker animals until they and testing the herd for per- treatment of weak calves.
plement) on hand and ready die of exhaustion, hypother- sistent infection with BVD
to mix and feed. Do not delay mia or fall prey to a predator. virus.
because the longer the inter- Fields can be fixed when win- • Test all hay and plan to
val from birth to feeding, the ter is over. provide enough protein and
fewer antibodies absorbed 6. Diagnose the cause of energy for cows and heifers
into the blood stream of the unexpected death in new- with a balanced ration based
calf. born calves. Contact your on the stage of production
4. Provide shelter during local veterinarian and sub- (lactation, mid- or late ges-
harsh winter weather – Un- mit any calves that die due tation). Ensure a clean, un-
rolling hay on the ground to unknown causes to a diag- interrupted water supply 24
where there are windbreaks nostic lab. The best strategies hours a day, 7 days a week.