Page 27 - MWC 2-24-2022s
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BUILDING VALUE                     NEW TECHNOLOGY                                        The Midwest Cattleman · February 24, 2022 · P27
      continued from page 20             continued from page 23
                                                                            MORE REASONS                      brings a lot of nutrition to
      the U.S., and tight feed sup- breeds and directly compare             continued from page 16            the table too.
      plies, Harrell says Hereford  those EPDs.                                                                  With red clover you get
      cattle are proving their profit       IGS offers a Feeder Profit      its ability to produce high       all of these benefits plus free
      potential through efficiency.      Calculator based on the multi-     yields and high animal per-       nitrogen from the rhizobia
         “From birth to slaugh- breed evaluation results.  The              formance. Red clover has          bacteria embedded in root
      ter, Herefords, in my  opin- Feeder Profit Calculator is an           some qualities that in some       nodules. Don’t forget that
      ion, really excel in the whole  innovative marketing tool for         ways make it superior to al-      red (and white) clover can be
      production system. Not just  commercial producers to pre-             falfa. Before you burn me at      readily introduced into tall
      the final product, not just  dict feedlot performance for             the stake for this bit of forage   fescue pastures by overseed-
      from  birth to  weaning, not       feeder cattle.                     heresy, hear me out. Both of      ing now. This establishment
      just from weaning to a nine-          “Commercial producers are       these legumes are highly di-      method is commonly known
      weight, but all along every        key partners in the evaluation     gestible, but alfalfa as it ma-   as frost seeding because the
      phase they can generate in-        especially for carcass traits.     tures tends to accumulate         freezing and thawing of win-
      come,” he says.                    Since retained ownership cat-      more lignin associated with       ter creates enough seed-soil
         Bedwell says these factors      tle are owned by commercial        plant fiber than red clover.      contact that clover will ger-
      keep Hereford breeders sus-        producers, we are more likely      Lignin in mature forages re-      minate in late spring.
      tainable.                          to get carcass data. This is huge   duces the digestibility of the      More than ever, red clover
         “There’s not a greater          for our evaluation because we      fiber. Lower lignin values in     needs to be part of your strat-
      up-cycler than the beef cow.       are trying to incorporate more     red clover give it an energy      egy for managing toxic tall
      She’s a ruminant female that       carcass phenotypes to increase     advantage. Also, when I ran       fescue.
      can take low-quality forage        the  reliability  and  breadth  of   the mobile forage testing lab      Happy foraging.
      and make high-quality beef         animals described through our      at the University of Missou- OSU
      protein. She does it year-in,      carcass evaluation,” Culbertson    ri, red clover always tested
      year-out, 365 days a year.         said.                              lower in fiber than compara-
                                            For more information about
      Hereford breeders are great        this year’s Symposium and the      ble alfalfa bales. Comparing
      stewards of that,” he says.        Beef Improvement Federation,       red clover to alfalfa may be
      “We’re going to continue that      including additional presenta-     like comparing Porsche to
      story because it’s a great one     tions and award winners, visit     Ferrari since both are high
      to tell.”                                  performance entities. Just                       Drovers                            remember that red clover
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