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Make Sure to Remove                                                                      The Midwest Cattleman · February 24, 2022 · P25

               All the Net Wrap

                          By Richard Purdin, OSU Extension                                                 March 26, 2022

         February brings two things                                                                      7TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE
      to my mind, first winter is                                                                    Saturday 12 Noon at the farm in Dadeville, MO
      halfway complete (I hope)
      and that durn ground hog                                                                    Selling 265 Head
      better not see his shadow! As                                                  85 Bulls (75 Angus & 10 SimAngus) All 19 Month Old Bulls
      I write this article there are                                          55 Registered Angus Females Fall Bred Cows, Spring Pairs, Bred Heifers
      officially 48 days, 14 hours,                                               125 Commercial Bred Heifers (All Method Genetics DNA tested)
      and 54 minutes until spring                                                                                         CED  +13 10%
      but who’s counting. One thing                                                                                       WW  +89 2%
      is for certain January was                                                                                          YW  +151 3%
      a halfway normal January  The results of the research                                                               Doc  +30 5%
                                                                                                                          Marb +1.27 3%
      for southern Ohio with wild  showed that  hay and sisal                                                             RE  +1.25 1%
      weather swings and weath- twine had a similar break-                                                                $M  +79 10%
      er fronts bringing just about  down time in the rumen of                                                            $W  +91 3%
      every type of weather you  about 100 hours but after 14                                                             $F  +100 20%
                                                                                                                              +87 1%
      can think of. From rains, ice,  days the other materials were                                                       $B  +187 3%
      sleet, and snow, we had it all.  still completely intact. As cat-                                  Worthington Ashland 0708Worthington Ashland 0708  $C  +322 1%

      Through all this I was still  tle ingest plastic twine or net               One of only 6 bulls in the breed with this combination for CE, growth, Marb & RE.
      able  to keep  livestock alive,  wrap their natural tendency                                                        CED  +17 1%
      but it was anything but easy.  is to chew their cuds and form                                                       WW  +88 2%
      About 60% of my hay is made  wads of forage, regurgitating,                                                         YW  +154 2%
      in large round bales and out of  and then swallowing again.                                                         Doc  +34 1%
      that 60% about 80% is stored  This is the survival tactic that                                                      Marb +.99 15%
                                                                                                                              +1.62 1%
      outside and 100%  of those  bovine developed long ago to                                                            $M  +88 3%
      round bales are net wrapped.  survive. When you add plas-                                                           $W  +101 1%
      In the last 20 years many pro- tic to the mix this could cause                                                      $F  +111 10%
                                                                                                                              +80 2%
      ducers have switched from  blockage of the esophagus or                                                             $B  +191 3%
      sisal or plastic twine to woven  restrict the natural release of                                 Worthington Quantum 0720Worthington Quantum 0720  $C  +336 1%

      net wrap to preserve and hold  gasses from the rumen caus-                 One of the top 12 bulls in the breed for RE, none of which come close to his +17 CED.
      large round bales together.  ing bloat. Death from bloat
      While it does present an in- is not always the result of in-                                              Worthington Sure Fire 6097orthington Sure Fire 6097
      creased cost in baling dry hay,  gested  foreign  material  but                                            Sells with a Jan heifer calf at side by GAR
      it has much value in its abili- as animals consume plastic                                                  Quantum.  One of the top 22 growth
                                                                                                                  daughters of Sure Fire in the breed,
      ty to preserve dry hay stored  materials they can accumu-                                                      top 10 when you include Marb.
      outside, allowing for better  late in the rumen, causing                                                         8 ET sons will sell as well.
      water shedding and tighter/ severe irritation, vomiting,
      denser bales. Most commonly  weight loss, and diarrhea. If
      producers will remove the net  you have an animal showing
      wrap or twine before setting  these symptoms contact your
      the bale out to feed or grind- veterinarian as soon as pos-               Worthington Quantum 0111orthington Quantum 0111
      ing  in  a  TMR  mixer.  Some  sible.  According to my local               One of the top daughters of Quantum
      producers will choose to leave  veterinarian there are very               in the breed when considering her 1.06
      the twine or net wrap on the  few good treatments but lax-                     Marb and 1.31 RE EPD’s.
      bale and let the livestock eat  atives, mineral oils,  or last                   Bred to GAR Kansas
      around it, later picking up  case situations, surgery to re-
      the net wrap afterwards. The  move the material. At the end                         90% of the bulls are Show-Me-Select Qualified
      reason for doing this could be  of the day this is what I have                           100% of the Angus bulls qualify for
      due to time constraints, older  learned on my farm,                                     the CAB Targeting the Brand Program
      producer  challenge  with  re-        1. Watch the weather  and
      moving the net wrap, and fro- be prepared for ice, snow, or                                 Free Delivery • 100% AI & ET
      zen to the bale. These are all  sleet.                                             Repeat Customer Discount • Breeding Guarantee
      valid reasons but at the end of       2. Remove the net wrap                          Genomic Testing • Commercial Female Sales
      the day this presents a major  well ahead  of winter weath-                             Feedlot & Order Buyer Relationships
      risk to your livestock’s health.  er and have the bales close to
      Livestock can accidentally in- the feeding site ready to feed
      gest the net wrap.                 before winter weather hap-
         Carl Dahlen with North  pens.
      Dakota State (University              3. Budget barn storage if
                                                                                           Josh, Corry, Wriston, Grayson & Corbin
      beef specialist) researched  finances allow for it.  Winter                          401 N Dade 231 • Dadeville, MO 65635
      the amount of time it would  is hard enough. Take time to                        (417) 844-2601 •
      take for different materials  remove the net wrap to avoid
      to break down in the rumen  animal health issues.                            WWW.WORTHINGTONANGUS.COM.WORTHINGTONANGUS.COM
      of  beef cattle.  The materials                                                                      C Connect with us:onnect with us:
      included sisal twine, plas-
      tic twine, 3 different types
      of woven net wrap, and hay.

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