Page 28 - MWC 2-24-2022s
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WHAT TO DO WHEN If a calf does not stand The Midwest Cattleman · February 24, 2022 · P28
continued from page 13 and nurse within one hour
of birth, the calf must be fed BVD virus during gestation, born within an hour to hour
cows to pass to the fetus but colostrum either milked from there are no good outcomes. and a half. If the cow is not
may not be adequate in poor the dam or use a commercial The calf may be born weak or making progress, call your
quality forage. Always keep a colostrum replacement. Co- born with congenital defects veterinarian for help. If
good trace mineral mix with lostrum should be given as such as a domed head, cleft early signs of labor are ob-
vitamins in front of the cows soon after birth as possible, palate, cataracts and other served for several hours but
or mix it in supplemental preferably within 1-2 hours, eye defects, or the calf may the water bag does not ap-
feed to ensure calves are born and repeated at no later than be born as a PI (persistently pear, the calf may be breech
with sufficient amounts. 6 hours after birth. Weak infected) calf. The other pos- (tail first) or abnormally po-
2. Dystocia (Difficult Birth) calves born during cold, wet sible infectious cause of weak sitioned. Again, call for help
A calf involved in a diffi- weather with little brown fat calf syndrome, Leptospirosis, quickly for a better chance to
cult birth will have decreased can quickly develop hypo- is not fully understood but have a live calf.
vigor and take longer to stand thermia (low body tempera- studies are on-going to deter- 2. Address nutritional
and nurse. A prolonged labor ture) and are unable to stand mine its importance. needs and account for in-
and difficult calving often re- or nurse until warmed. A If pregnant cows in the creased needs during severe
sult in a newborn calf with warm water bath, blow dryer, herd have been losing weight, weather. Test your hay then
a swollen head or tongue, heat lamp or floorboard heat especially in late gestation, evaluate the protein and en-
bruising, fractures, and ex- can quickly warm a cold calf. it is best to prepare for the ergy in the ration and ad-
cessive fluid in the trachea Beware of heating pads as birth of weak calves. Sever- dress any deficiencies. Body
or lungs. Low blood oxygen they can cause burns. al measures should be insti- condition score the cows and
in the calf (“hypoxia”) from 3. Infectious Causes- tuted immediately to save as heifers due to calve in the
prolonged labor will also im- Bovine Viral Diarrhea many calves as possible: next 60 days to evaluate their
pair the function of the cen- (BVD) Virus and 1. Check heifers and cows needs. In addition, remem-
tral nervous system (brain Leptospirosis in labor frequently (at least ber that lactating cows have
and spinal cord). Addition- Both the BVD virus and 2-3 times daily) – Although the greatest need for energy
ally, a calf may have broken the spirochete Leptospira in- producers are accustomed to because they are producing
ribs that affect its ability to terrogans serovar Hardjo in- watching heifers closely for milk. If you observe a young
breathe. An easily observed fections have been diagnosed calving difficulty, this recom- calf frequently attempting
sign of a difficult birth is in weak calves. If an unvac- mendation should be extend- to nurse, it is unlikely to be
brown or yellow staining of cinated or poorly vaccinat- ed to all late gestation cows. getting enough milk from
the calf’s hair coat from the ed cow is infected with the Once the water bag or hooves the dam and may need milk
meconium. appear, the calf should be supplementation. If possible,
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Here are my changes.
March Northeast Arkansas Angus Association
My email is: View the sale book:
NEAAA O cers Sims Plus, LLC
NEAAA Officers
Sale Manager, Auctioneer
Special Cow Sale Mark C. Sims Stacey Speer, Vice President: (870) 240-3728
Bill Davis, President … (501) 283-0601
Bill Davis, President: (501) 283-0601
Stacey Speer, Vice President … (870) 240-3728
Cell: (580) 595-0901
Amye Winiger, Secretary … (901) 825-0409 Email: Amye Winiger, Secretary: (901) 825-0409
Jerry Cross, Treasurer: (870) 239-1321
Jerry Cross, Treasurer … (870) 239-1321
Take out “semen checked, scrotal measurements and minimum weights.
Saturday, March 19th
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11:00 am
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