Page 26 - MWC 2-24-2022s
P. 26
The Midwest Cattleman · February 24, 2022 · P26
ANGUS FARMS continued from page 11 continued from page 6
Bull & Female Saleull & Female Sale Faull of Old Dominion Veter- This region represents 5.3
inary Services, Ruther Glen,
percent of the total beef cow
Mar. 20, 2022 /1:00 p.m. ar. 20, 2022 /1:00 p.m. Va., has used the Madigan herd.
Squeeze Technique on numer-
Drought has expanded
Butler, Mo, Mo ous calves with great success. sharply in Texas and Oklaho-
While she advises it is best to ma over the winter; a region
do it the first time with the that has seen just 1.1 percent
training of your herd veteri- herd liquidation since 2020.
narian, it is definitely a handy Much of that was general cy-
skill that can be acquired by clical liquidation rather than
experienced calf-raisers. drought induced. December
A brief study published in 1 hay stocks in these two
the New Zealand Veterinary states were up 18.7 percent
Journal showed the MST year over year.
helped two dull, unresponsive The southern plains region
calves to wake up, stand and should emerge from winter
Briarwood Ruth 9097
Briarwood Ruth 9097
08/29/19 AAA 19787617 AAA 19787617
08/29/19 walk toward their dams. One with a bit more flexibility
Selling several calf received the treatment at and, with more fall calving,
young females with 6 hours after birth and one at might not face critical herd
stacked and proven cow 20 hours of age. Both were re- liquidation and destocking
families behind them ported to be nursing normally decisions as quickly as some
HEIFER and a Long, productive the day after treatment. other regions. Neverthe-
12/30/21 by future ahead of them... Faull noted that some calves less, cow culling could accel-
12/30/21 by
SydGen may need the procedure re-
Black Pearl.
Black Pearl. PLUS youth erate sharply in the region
heifer projects. peated several times through- by mid-summer. These two
4-H & FFA Youth get $200 “Doc Dollars” toward a Female Lot!A Youth get $200 “Doc Dollars” toward a Female Lot!
4-H & FF out the first few days of life. states represent 21.9 percent
“The Madigan Squeeze Tech-
of the total beef cow herd.
nique may not save every calf,” The central plains region
Top 2% op 2%
T Briarwood Exceed 0137 she said. “But it’s an excellent
Briarwood Exceed 0137
MILK, $C, $B including Kansas and Ne-
MILK, $C, $B
T tool to keep in mind, especially braska has been marginal-
Top 10% op 10%
$G after a long delivery or a C-sec- ly impacted by drought the
Top 15% op 15% tion.” past two years with the beef
CW, MARB, MARB Drovers cow herd in these two states
T down 3.3 percent since 2020.
Top 10% op 10%
MARB,$G, $M, $C
MARB,$G, $M, $C The December 1 hay stocks
Top 15% op 15%
T LIFE in the region were up 4.9 per-
WW, YW, $B, YW, $B 09/20/20 AAA 20077522AAA 20077522 continued from page 5 cent year over year. Should
Briarwood Sure Fire 1077
Briarwood Sure Fire 1077 drought develop significantly
Join us Mar. 5, 2022oin us Mar. 5, 2022 up what I’ve been trying to in the central plains, addi-
tell my wife and sons for the tional significant cow herd
Open House pen House
O past couple of decades: I have liquidation would follow by
& Lot Viewing ot Viewing
& L so much knowledge, locked summer. These two states
away in my huge cranium, represent 10.8 percent of the
with MU Meat Scienceh MU Meat Science that I have to distill billions beef cow herd.
Beef Carving Demonstrationion
Beef Carving Demonstrat of bytes of details, directions Drought in all of the above
03/01/21 AAA 20177363AAA 20177363 and documents, before I can regions could impact over 53
answer even the most basic percent of the total beef cow
Bull Buyer Bonusesull Buyer Bonuses
B of questions. What has ap- herd… roughly 16 million
peared to be confusion, is, cows. Significant drought in
in fact, my brain working to 2022 will have more notice-
*5% Of
*5% Off on Bulls for Repeat Bull Buyers of 2020 and 2021f on Bulls for Repeat Bull Buyers of 2020 and 2021 perfection. able impacts on cow markets,
*Fr Just the other day, I asked will change the timing of
*Free Bull Delivery within 250 milesee Bull Delivery within 250 miles
*$50 Off for Bull Buyers who haul home week of salef for Bull Buyers who haul home week of sale my wife to hand me the tool… feeder cattle and ultimately
*$50 Of
*ALL BULL BUYERS entered in drawing for commercial heifered in drawing for commercial heifer that pinches the wire, and feedlot production, and will
she asked, “You mean the pli- have more implications for
B ers?” the industry in subsequent
The next day, I asked my years. There is potential for
youngest son if he wanted the drought to push cattle in-
to go…to the city with the ventories significantly lower
big arch, and he asked, “You than planned and set up a
Like us talking about St. Louis?” market reaction similar to
on Facebook As per Harvard, my brain 2014-2015 in the next couple
Register to bid online
Curtis W. Long - 660-679-3459 is working to perfection. I of years.
Auctioneer Bill Nance
Auctioneer Bill Nance will admit, though, they both
Nance Auction Service
Nance Auction Service David Warfield, mgr. 660-679-3395 seem a tad confused.
417-214-0093 2110 NW St. Rt. 52 * Butler, MO 64730