Page 29 - MWC 2-23-2023s
P. 29

The Midwest Cattleman · February 23, 2023 · P29
                                         Mud Management in the Feedlot

                                          By Stephen Boyles, OSU Extension Beef Specialist
                                         animal. Feed intake may  aprons if necessary. Manure  animals will carry feed to it
                                         become more variable, con- that accumulates beneath  and stagnate the water.
                                         tributing to digestive upsets.  the  fence  line  works  like  a        One should also strive
                                         This will further reduce ani- dam and impounds water to  to limit water entering the
                                         mal performance.                   the feedlot.                      feedlot to that being deposit-
         Mud could be the biggest           The following table can be        Long-term       management ed by cattle as manure/urine
      environmental problem fac- used for feedlot performance  involves proper pen con- and direct rainfall. Below are
      ing  some  Corn-Belt  cattle  projections according to mud  struction. The idea is to have  listed some common facili-
      feeders  right now. Not only  conditions:                             a dry place for cattle to lie  ties for diverting water away
      does it affect animal perfor-                                         down close to feed and water.  from  the  pens.  In  all  cases,
      mance, but it can also affect  Lot               Gain                 Ideally, cattle should have  these structures need to be
      feedlot owner behavior. Some  Condition          Reduction            access to a paved feeding  maintained.
      cattle feeders may be less in-     No Mud        0%                   apron accessible from loaf-          *Waterways, small terrac-
      clined to purchase/add cattle                                         ing areas. The apron should  es, and roof gutters direct
      to an already muddy feedlot.       Dew claw                           be 10-12 feet wide and slope  water away from livestock
         Mud reduces accessibili-        deep          7%                   one inch per foot. Continual- yards.
      ty to feed bunks for cattle.  Shin deep          14%                  ly check drainage ditches to         *An earthen ridge or ter-
      The general effect of muddy        Below hock                         make sure they are open. Pen  race can be constructed
      lots  is  to  decrease  feed  in-  deep          21%                  slopes of 3 to 6 percent are  across the slope upgrade for
      take, decrease average daily                                          suggested.  Avoid steep lots  a livestock yard to prevent
      gain, and to require more          Hock deep  28%                     because of the erosion prob- runoff from entering the
      feed  for  each  pound  of  gain.                                     lem and because of the haz- yard.
      As animals are stressed by            In the short term, manage-      ard that steep lots create for       *If a diversion terrace is
      mud, they eat less, and their      ment may involve bedding           cattle walking from the bot- not practical, a catch basin
      maintenance        requirement     and/or scraping.  As pens in       tom of the pen to the bunk,  with a tile outlet could be
      increases. When  combined,         the feedlot empty, remove ex-      particularly  when  the  lot  installed above the livestock
      these two factors can cause        cess manure from the feeding       becomes frozen, rough, and  yard.
      a loss in animal performance       apron, loafing, and drainage       slippery. Waterers should be         Of course, any feedlot run-
      and a corresponding increase       area. Repair and reconstruct       located close to the feeding  off should be directed away
      in the cost to produce that        drainage ditches and feeding       area, but not so close that the  from wells.
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