Page 28 - MWC 2-23-2023s
P. 28

US Hay Stocks Fall to Lowest Level Since ’74                                             The Midwest Cattleman · February 23, 2023 · P28

      By Mary Hightower
                                         May 1 hay stocks were tight,  a 20 percent decline. Florida  and Texas saw yields averag-
         High  fertilizer  prices  and  totaling 16.77 million tons or  bucked the trend, seeing a 7  ing 1.25 tons per acre and 1.50
      drought in 2022 handed hay  7 percent lower year over year.  percent increase in hay pro- tons per acre, respectively.”
      production in the United              “May 1 stocks, combined  duction.                                    Overall, other hay acreage
      States its biggest decline in 11  with lower 2022 hay produc-           “USDA’s estimate for  Ar- fell 2 percent to 34.63 acres.
      years with stocks at their low- tion, put hay supplies at the  kansas is much better than  Arkansas’ hay acres declined
      est level since data collection  lowest level on record since  what I would have predicted  by 5 percent, while Texas saw
      began, according to the Na- the data began in 1974,” said  last summer,” Mitchell said.  a 25 percent reduction in hay
      tional Agricultural  Statistics  James Mitchell, extension  Based on conversations with  acres in 2022.
      Service.                           economist for the University  producers last year, he said “I           Mitchell said that  “declin-
         The stats were part of the  of  Arkansas System Division  was expecting a decline closer  ing cattle inventories, expen-
      Jan. 12 Crop Production Sum- of  Agriculture.  “The  previous  to 25 percent.                           sive inputs, and high crop pric-
      mary from NASS, which is  record low in hay supplies was                “It was hard to predict  es all likely contributed to the
      part of the U.S. Department  in 2021.”                                whether we would get late-sea- decline in 2022 hay acreage.”
      of Agriculture. The report in-     Production declines                son rain last summer,” Mitch-     Higher prices
      cludes information about all                                          ell said. “It was even hard to       Mitchell said farmers would
                                            Nationwide, other hay pro-
      U.S. crops, their production,      duction totaled 64.84 million      predict whether a late-season     likely be paying more for hay.
      acreage, and yield. NASS plac-                                        rain  would  help  us  make  up      “Like other commodities,
      es hay in two categories, alfal-   tons in 2022, down 9 percent       for the severe production loss-   price comparisons are based
                                         from the prior year, with Ar-
      fa  and “other  hay,”  the  latter                                    es we had in July. Conditions     on the marketing year,” he
      being relevant to the South-       kansas seeing  a 16 percent        improved enough in Septem-        said. The hay marketing year
                                         decline.  Texas, the nation’s
      eastern U.S.                                                          ber for us to make up for some    begins in May and ends in
         According to the summary,       largest hay-producing state,       of that loss.”
                                         produced  6.15  million tons, a                                      April.
                                         40 percent decline compared  Yields down                                “For the May 2021-April
                                         to 2021.                             “Expensive fertilizer and  2022 marketing year, prices
                                            “Most Southern Plains and  poor precipitation impacted  averaged $147 per ton,” Mitch-
                                         Southeast states had dou- yields,” he said. “U.S. hay yields  ell  said.  “For  the  May  2022-
                                         ble-digit hay production de- averaged 1.87 tons per acre  April 2023 marketing year, we
                                         clines,” said Mitchell said.       or 6 percent lower year over  forecast prices to average $170
                                            Mississippi saw a 16 per- year. Yields dropped 9 percent  per ton.”
                                         cent  decline,  Tennessee a 13  in  Arkansas to two tons per
                                         percent decline, and Kentucky,  acre. Neighboring Oklahoma
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