Page 26 - MWC 2-23-2023s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · February 23, 2023 · P26
               Forage Testing is Good Management

                                                                   By Elizabeth Cronin
         All living things require  ture and range,
      nutrients for survival.  The  hay, silage) are
      most basic of these are pro- the backbone for
      tein, energy, vitamins, miner- meeting this nu-
      als, and water. Testing forage  trient demand.
      and feed for nutrient quality         Protein      con-
      helps ranchers ensure they  tent is the first
      are meeting nutrient re- nutrient               ranch-
      quirements for optimum beef  ers must consider
      cattle performance.                in forage. In the
         “Compared to a human,  rumen of the cow,
      a  beef cow  needs  to  be  sup- bacteria require
      plied with a massive amount  protein in order
      of nutrients daily to  meet  to efficiently and
      requirements for movement,  completely digest
      fetal growth, temperature  forage. If protein
      maintenance, digestion, milk  levels         are    not
      production and other func- meeting             animal
      tions,” says James Rogers,  requirements, for-
      North Dakota State Univer- age intake is re-
      sity Extension forage crops  duced and forage                         volume of all nutrients and  calories, meaning 9.1 million
      production specialist.             digestion can be incomplete,       often gets overlooked, says  calories must be supplied
         Young cows require ad- which limits intake of other                Rogers.  A common term for  every day to meet this cow’s
      ditional  nutrients  for  body  nutrients such as energy.             expressing the energy re- maintenance energy require-
      growth until they reach ma-           Once protein requirements       quirement of the cow is total  ments.
      turity. Thin cows require ad- are met, the focus should be            digestible nutrient (TDN).           “When this same cow
      ditional nutrients to restore  on  meeting  the  cow’s  needs         TDN requirements can be  moves from the middle third
      body condition. For beef cow- for energy, which is required           expressed as pounds per day  to the last third of pregnan-
      herds, forages (grazed pas- by the cow in the largest                 required or as a percentage of  cy, the NEm jumps from 9.1
                                                                            the daily dry matter intake.      Mcal  to 12.0 Mcal daily,”
                                                                              “TDN works well for ration  says Rodgers.  “That  is 12
                                                                            balancing and for describing  million calories per day just
                                                                            energy content of a feed or  for maintenance or roughly
                                                                            forage,” says Rogers.  “How- 1,091 cups of salad, assum-
                                                                            ever, it does not give you a  ing that a cup of salad con-
                                                                            real feel for the volume of en- tains 11,000 calories.”
                                                                            ergy required by a beef cow.         Another leap in energy re-
                                                                            A more descriptive term is a  quirements occurs when the
                                                                            calorie, which describes the  cow moves into calving and
                                                                            amount of energy required  lactation.  Then NEm goes
                                                                            by an animal or the amount  from 12.0 to 18.6 Mcal if the
                                                                            of energy supplied by a feed  cow is producing 25 pounds
                                                                            source.”                          of milk per day. As nutrient
                                                                              In beef nutrition, net en- requirements increase, for-
                                                                            ergy for maintenance (NEm)  age quality and/or supple-
                                                                            and/or net energy for gain  mentation should increase. A
                                                                            (NEg) describes these val- forage that barely met nutri-
                                                                            ues. NEm describes energy  ent requirements at the mid-
                                                                            requirements for daily cow  dle third of pregnancy will no
                                                                            maintenance. If any energy  longer meet requirements at
                                                                            is left over after maintenance  calving.
                                                                            needs are met, it goes to NEg.       These numbers do not
                                                                              The unit of measurement  consider temperature, wind,
                                                                            for net energy in beef cow  mud, snow, or other envi-
                                                                            requirements is a megacal- ronmental factors that can
                                                                            orie (Mcal). Human energy  further swell requirements.
                                                                            needs are also expressed in  Testing  forage and  feed for
                                                                            calories but in kilocalories  nutrient quality provides
                                                                            (kcal). A human  male needs  ranchers with the knowledge
                                                                            2,700 kcal each day or 2.7  of what nutrients they are
                                                                            million calories per day (1  supplying to their cattle on a
                                                                            kcal = 1,000 cal). By compari- daily basis.
                                                                            son, a 1,200-pound cow in the        Echoing the saying of an
                                                                            middle third of pregnancy re- old football coach about the
                                                                            quires 9.1 Mcal/day for NEm.  forward pass, Rogers says
                                                                            A megacalorie is 1 million  that there are three possible
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