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P. 36
The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P36
Women at Work to a lot of experience with that,” she I squeezed in two head with two
said. But she had to do research different lockers during deer sea-
around nutrition and processing son. It was bad,” she said.
Market Beef Creatively to make the business work. But she’s also learned how to
To keep the operation simple connect with customers and be a
and cost-effective, Moore buys positive advocate for beef produc-
By Austin Black most of her calves at weaning ers. “One thing I’ve enjoyed, and
from her mother’s operation, An- I’ve found it’s a good way to get
gell-Thomas Charolais. She rais- customers, is to meet in person,”
Committing to a career in industry. And she enjoyed creat- es them on pasture she said. Consum-
ranching and beef production ing relationships with consumers. and finishes them ers like knowing
takes guts, grit and a lot of faith. “Through 4-H, we raised and sold for customers as ¼ who produces their
But that doesn’t stop young cattle- steers, pigs, goats and sheep,” she and ½ beef, and re- food. And this al-
women from making it their live- said. Her buyers always gave pos- tail cut orders. She lows Moore to devel-
lihood. Instead, they rely on their itive feedback about the steaks also offers specialty op a trusting rela-
people skills, passion and love of and burgers. products like snack tionship.
animals to succeed. That experience prompted her sticks and jerky, Her communica-
When Savannah Moore gradu- to start direct marketing beef which are a big hit. tion skills have been
ated college in 2015, she jumped full-time. “It’s a practical way to “Retail cuts were a key component of
straight into selling beef. Growing get started in the industry,” she my original busi- her success. “Com-
up in 4-H and FFA, Moore devel- said. Young producers can operate ness idea,” she said. ing from a house
oped a strong interest for the beef on a small-scale and still be sus- But it wasn’t until with five women,
tainable. Savannah’s she started offering there’s a lot of com-
Farm Fresh started bulk orders that the munication going
with about 10 head of sales really picked on,” she joked. “I
freezer beef and has up. “That’s a good natural place enjoy talking to customers. I have
grown to sell around to start because you don’t need a knack for staying in touch and
60 head each year. the freezers and you don’t have to being a good communicator.”
Moore grew up in handle it near as much,” she said. Reflecting on her success as a
the livestock mar- Although Moore is a skilled cat- woman in agriculture, Moore is
keting industry and tlewoman, the business side took quick to note her past experienc-
comes from a long some learning. “There’s a pretty es. “Coming from a family of only
line of beef produc- steep learning curve on how to daughters, I had an opportunity
ers. “I was pretty answer consumer questions and to be involved on the farm. If my
comfortable raising be in contact with your locker to parents wanted help, we were the
cattle. My family has make sure the product is right,” ones to help,” she said. Working in
she said. “That’s something I’ll be the auction business, Moore saw
learning forever.” other women in agriculture and
She jokes about her mistakes, learned how common it was. “I see
like grinding brisket into burg- a lot of women who’s name is on
er and trying to butcher calves the check,” she said.
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