Page 32 - MWC 02-04-2021s
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MAKE SURE PROPER HAY The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P32
continued from page 7 continued from page 17 ones, which results in less hoof PREVENTING CALF
damage from cows competing for
ten more easily and spoil quicker space at the ring. continued from page 31
than properly stored bales, says
lems,” says Larson. “They can’t Charles Ellis, MU Extension agri- Feed hay in well-drained the health of the cow herd.
be without for very long.” Frost cultural engineering specialist. areas. Feed on dry, elevated sur- There will always be exposure
free, or freeze proof, watering Store bales away from trees. faces or a pad to reduce waste. to infectious agents, despite the
systems are gaining in popular- Choose a sunny location with a Feed in small amounts. best farm biosecurity measures.
ity. A substantial investment, breeze. Limit access to bales. While more The immune system of cattle is
they are an attractive alterna- Store bales end-to-end on el- convenient, feeding less often adds well-designed to intercept infec-
tive for some producers tired of evated ground that drains well. to waste. Limiting access gives tious agents and neutralize their
chopping ice in early morning The round sides of the bale should cows less opportunity to trample effects as long as immune cells
hours. not touch each other. Leave about or soil hay. But do not overfeed, are functioning correctly and the
No matter your system, win- Ellis says. Make animals clean up
ter weather will arrive, and it 3 feet between rows of bales. This the majority of hay before adding number of infectious organisms
makes them easier to access with
does not become overwhelming
will test the system’s limits. Be tractors and also makes it easier new bales. in the environment. With new-
sure to have a plan in place for to do forage tests. Consider herd dynamics. born calves, survival depends on
how to get the water flowing Different feeding methods Cull aggressive animals that take colostrum intake, but it is also
in the most severe of weather reduce waste. Studies from the feed away from ones that are more the development of the immune
events. MU Forage Systems Research timid. Have enough feeding rings system during gestation or “fetal
“Water is the most import- to avoid crowding.
ant nutrient,” says Larson. “It’s Center show that feeding rings re- Feed hay stored outside programming” that plays an im-
portant role in overall calf vitali-
duce waste.
needed the most frequently, But not all rings are created before hay stored inside. Hay ty. In short, prevention of disease
and you can get into all sorts equal. Studies show that open stored outside usually has more is far more than vaccine and de-
of trouble if you don’t have it. rings have 20% waste, compared spoilage and lower palatability worming protocols; it is largely
We spend a lot of time thinking to 5% for cone rings. To calculate than hay stored inside. Cattle the result of day-to-day manage-
about protein and energy, but hay ring waste, Ellis recommends will waste a greater percent- ment practices instituted on the
water is important, too.” age of poor-quality hay than of
the Noble Research Institute’s good-quality hay. farm to keep adult cows healthy, website. Search for “hay ring For more information, see the well-fed, and clean.
waste”. MU Extension publication “Re-
Large, round bales unrolled for ducing Losses When Feeding Hay
feeding have about 43% waste. to Beef Cattle”.
The advantage of unrolling bales
is that aggressive cows can be
spaced away from more timid
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