Page 41 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 41
WOMEN AT WORK faced are the cost of finishing cat- The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P41
continued from page 37 tle and the variability of the mar- sion I make on the ranch and a lot
ket she has. “It’s hard to figure out of decisions aren’t based purely off
than before, which reduces feed how people want to buy it and the business reasoning,” she said. But
cost and increases profit. customers are so sporadic because her intuition makes her a good
She also started offering freez- there are so many different fac- person and a good cattlewoman.
er beef to friends and neighbors. tors,” she said. Timing the finish- “I’m a very feeling and perceptive
In 2020, that business quadru- ing is tricky and there is always person. I take note of personali-
pled. “People realized they want to the potential for customers to drop ty,” she said. She tries to handle
know where their food is coming out on an animal. “I’ve found by her animals with love and care
from and that it will be available taking a deposit from customers, I and expects them to be gentle in
and consistent,” she said. have them consistently pay for the return. “I look at the analytics of
Bergman stills sells at the local remainder of the beef better than the herd, but I think there’s a lot
auction barn and direct to the just taking their word that they’ll to be said about the way you treat
feedlot. But last year, 25% of her pay,” she said.
the animals and how that’s recip-
calf crop went to direct beef sales. But these struggles haven’t rocated,” she said.
It's a big investment for her ranch, stopped her from pursuing her
Bergman knows independence
but Bergman believes she's cap- dream. “My resilience has kept me is important, but she also knows
tured more value from her cattle. working toward making things the value of partnerships. And
The biggest issues she has
better and not giving up,” she she advises young women to seek
said. “This industry has been very mentors and partners that will things,” she said. “It’s pretty in-
PROPER VACCINE unforgiving for so many reasons.” invest in their success. “Shadow valuable to have someone in your
continued from page 40 Bergman believes her mistakes someone for as long as you possi- community that you can ask ques-
tions and get honest answers.”
ministration and following the are good learning opportunities. bly can and get people to surround And most importantly, Berg-
label for withdrawal periods is And she's always looking for ways yourself with that are like-mind- man said to never forget about
crucial. to improve the operation. “You fig- ed and working toward the same happiness. “Your enjoyment has to
Finally, your local veterinar- ure out some things that seem to factor into your life, wellbeing and
ian and state BQA coordinator work and some things that don’t livelihood” she said. “I’m happy
can provide additional guidance seem to make a difference,” she that I’m able to have my kids out
on how to best administer ani- said. here with me and that they can
mal health products to ensure a As a woman in agriculture, see the cycle of life and what goes
safe end product for consumers Bergman knows there are chal- into people being able to have food
to enjoy. lenges. But she holds onto the pas- on their plate.”
Boehringer Ingelheim sion and love she has for the land
and livestock to stay committed. “I
find that I have an emotional con-
nection to pretty much every deci-