Page 35 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 35
across the shoulders and with- These products are absorbed The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P35
ers, and in the udder area. Some through the hair follicles, so dirt will be necessary. However, in treatment is necessary.
hair loss may be significant and other foreign material on March and April, the best solu- •Determine the type of lice
enough to result in frostbite to the backs of cattle will limit ab- tion may be to let the cattle itch causing the infestation and use
hairless areas, especially in ex- sorption. Other control products for a while. Lice populations will the correct control methods for
tended cold winter weather. are strictly topical with no ab- begin to decrease in activity rap- that type. For example, sucking
However, light infestations sorption. idly as the weather warms. lice feed on blood and serum
are easy to overlook when ex- “So whether we are dealing •Treat only those animals from the animal. These lice are
amining animals individually with resistance in lice or less showing clinical signs of itching controlled more effectively with
unless the veterinarian or pro- efficacy at the appropriate dose, and hair loss. Some animals may a systemic injectable product. In
ducer does a careful inspection. the result is the same - a lack of be more sensitive to the effects contrast, biting lice feed on the
A detailed exam starts with adequate control,” Stokka says. of lice infestations, while others dander and scurf on the skin.
looking for nits, then exploring Here are a few options to help can handle some lice with natu- They are controlled more effec-
for lice by carefully parting the curb lice outbreaks: ral resistance. If the entire herd tively with a topical treatment.
hair. •Leave the lice alone. At this is showing hair loss consistent •Use an injectable and topical
“A systematic and defined time of the year, colder weather
approach to the examination will be an issue, thus treatment with a lice infestation, then herd treatment to control both types
of lice. However, no licensed
of cattle for the presence of lice products are labeled to be used
will enable the examiner to concurrently.
have a higher level of confidence “When looking at topical
in attaining accurate results,” treatments to treat biting lice,
Stokka says. it may be in your best interest
Lice Control to look for name-brand products,
The pioneer avermectin and to use one with a higher vol-
(macrocyclic lactone) products ume dosage,” Stokka says. “Bit-
such as Ivermectin and Decto- ing lice will be controlled more
max have been used extensively effectively by the parasiticide
to control lice because of their if they come in contact with it.
effectiveness. With the develop- Thus, the higher-dosage prod-
ment of the systemic “pour on” ucts will give you more coverage
products, along with generic on the animal and more area for
products, the use increased, and the lice to come in contact with
in some cases, these products the product.”
have been used multiple times
per year. NDSU
TERRITORY MANAGERS Gary West 731-335-3023
Jeff Anslinger 816-244-7340
Logan Kennedy 417-592-1764