Page 40 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 40
Proper Vaccine Administration Can The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P40
Help Boost Consumer Confidence
With ever-increasing compe- “Vaccinating cattle prevents Dr. Wade. Nee-
tition for the consumer’s protein disease, and therefore cuts down dles should be
dollar, beef producers look for on the total number of injections new, the appro-
ways to inspire consumer confi- that each animal will receive priate length and
dence in beef products. Although in its lifetime,” said Dr. Currin. no larger than 16
it may not be top of mind, man- “Improper storage and handling gauge.
agement strategies like proper of vaccines will result in less ef- Note: Using
vaccine administration can come ficacious products. Animals will larger or dull
into play. be more likely to be infected by needles can trau-
“The end goal of cattle produc- disease-causing pathogens and matize tissue and
tion is for consumers to have a require additional injections for produce injection
pleasant eating experience when disease treatment.” site lesions.
they choose beef as their pro- Store vaccines somewhere 3. Administer
tein,” said John Currin, DVM, dark and at a temperature of products subcutaneously. BQA standards for low dosage
extension veterinarian and beef 35-45 degrees Fahrenheit. Read- Intra-muscular products are and subcutaneous injection, the
quality assurance (BQA) coordi- ing and following label directions most likely to cause tissue dam- risk of long-term tissue damage
nator, Virginia Tech. “Improper is the easiest way to be sure you age. In fact, a Colorado Univer- is minimized.
administration of animal health are storing, mixing and handling sity research study showed that 5. Evaluate animals prior
products not only de-values the each vaccine correctly. more than 90% of intramuscu- to vaccine administration.
animal, but it can cause consum- 2. Choose an appropriate- lar marks at branding were also It’s also important to evalu-
ers to have an undesirable eat- ly sized needle. found at processing. ate the cattle before deciding to
ing experience down the line.” Product efficacy and tissue “To prevent any damage to administer vaccines. “When pro-
To not only prevent meat reactions may be drastically af- the retail product for consumers, ducers are processing cattle that
quality defects, but also ensure fected by the product entering best practice is to administer have just been rained on, we will
animal well-being and increase the wrong tissue plane due to in- vaccines subcutaneously when- typically see more tissue damage
the market value of cattle, Dr. correct needle gauge and length. ever possible,” said Dr. Currin. due to the wet hides,” said Dr.
Currin and Jody Wade, DVM, “The needle needs to be All injections should also occur Wade. “When a needle is insert-
Boehringer Ingelheim, provide long enough to push the vac- in front of the shoulder and be at ed into a wet hide, it may carry
insight on best practices for vac- cine through the skin without least four inches apart. Tenting bacteria from the surface of the
cine administration: a struggle, but short enough so the skin for subcutaneous injec- skin into the injection site.”
1. Store, mix and handle we don’t reach muscle tissue un- tions allows for proper product 6. Be aware of and adhere
vaccines according to label derneath the skin when giving administration. to product withdrawal times.
directions. a subcutaneous injection,” said 4. Choose a BQA-certified Animal health products typ-
vaccine. ically have withdrawal time
Dr. Wade encourages produc- guidelines that need to be fol-
ers to choose a vaccine that com- lowed to ensure the end product
bines effective disease protec- is safe to eat. Therefore, keeping
tion and tissue friendliness. By accurate records of product ad-
selecting a vaccine that meets continued on page 41
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A Very
Good Thing
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