Page 30 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 30
The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P30
By Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist
As cattle producers begin one time per day at 4 p.m., start-
thinking about calving season ing 2 weeks prior to the expected
and management practices to start of calving, resulted in 82%
ease the work load a bit, night of cows calving between 6 a.m.
feeding is something to be consid- and 10 p.m. In addition, calves
ered. Producers have questioned born between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m.
whether or not time of feeding (75% of the 24-hour day) was
affects time of calving, and the 91%. Therefore, only 9% of calves
answer is “Yes.” were born outside the window
What Research Shows when traditional calf checks are
Research indicates that feed- performed. An important thing
ing cows later in the day and to note is that when heifers were ing time, but the numbers were calving will still have some effect.
evening will increase the number separated from the data set and not as dramatic as Konefal and •Iowa State advises staying as
of calves born during daylight analyzed, 90% of the heifers also Iowa State data. However, there close to the same feeding sched-
hours, when it is typically easier calved in this same time frame. was a consistent 10-20% decrease ule and feed amount as possible
to keep a close eye on them. Gus A survey collected from 15 beef in the number of cows calving be- each day. Deviating more than 15
Konefal, a rancher in Manitoba producers in Iowa and Missouri tween 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the late minutes or providing too much
first developed this feeding meth- reported feeding once daily be- fed cows compared to the early feed will yield less desirable re-
od after he discovered that 80% tween 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. resulted fed cows. sults.
of his cows calved between 7 a.m. in 85% of cows calving between 5 Things to Consider •Maintain regular night
and 7 p.m. when they were fed a.m. and midnight. Compare this Here are some points to re- checks. Konefal calving may sim-
later in the day. Konefal’s meth- data to cows not on the Konefal member if Konefal calving will ply mean that there will be less
od included a twice a day feeding, feeding system in the same herds be implemented: work to be done between checks
with first feeding between 11:00 that were calving 50/50% day •Research has indicated that due to fewer calves born during
a.m. and noon and second feed- and night. for this method to be most ef- the night.
ing between 9:30-10:00 p.m. Researchers at USDA-ARS fective, it should be started one •It works best in a drylot sit-
Similar research at Iowa State at Miles City, MT completed at uation where all feed is provided.
University using the Konefal three-year study evaluating dif- month prior to calving, but short- continued on page 39
er duration before the start of
feeding system, but only feeding ferences in feeding time on calv-
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