Page 27 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 27

MAINTAINING                       wet snow that lead to wet hair
      continued from page 9              coats on bulls.  Wet hair, like wet
                                         clothing, cannot insulate effec-
      performance. Some important  tively. Providing protection from
      minerals to consider include, se- wind and cold temperatures can
      lenium (Se), which plays a key  help bulls maintain body condi-
      role in spermatogenesis, as well  tion rather than using provided
      as zinc (Zn), which also plays a  nutrition to maintain body tem-
      role in male fertility, and is crit- peratures.
      ical for sperm cell plasma mem-    Preparing for Next Breeding
      brane integrity. In addition, io-  Season
      dine (I) can be added to alleviate    Following winter, it will be
      any foot rot issues. As you devel-  important  to  make  sure  we
      op rations, including a quality    think about scheduling a breed-
      vitamin and mineral source will    ing  soundness  exam  (BSE)  at
      be important to consider.          least 60 days prior to the start
      Cold Weather Management            of the breeding season. If there
         With cold weather approach- has been an insult (i.e., frostbite)
      ing, ensuring that our bulls have  occurring  between  the  end  of
      appropriate      housing/shelter, last year’s breeding season and
      bedding, and feed to progress  the start of the next, it will take
      through  the winter will  be key  at least 60 days to recover and
      for future success in the spring.  make new sperm.  The 60-day
      Bulls need appropriate housing  benchmark gives bulls time to
      to provide protection during se- recover and be rechecked (usual-
      vere cold weather, which can  ly 2 to 4 weeks later). This will
      lead to fertility problems.        also guarantee that he won’t
         Tissue damage due to frost- be impacting the next breeding
      bite will appear as a scab, dis- season and gives you time to
      coloration, and/or sloughing of  find another bull.”
      the lower portion of the scrotum.   Final Thoughts
      Scrotal frostbite will hinder the     Because weather insults and
      bull’s ability to raise or lower the   injuries can  all impact a bull’s
      testicles for proper thermoregu-   ability to breed cows, planning
      lation, which ultimately will af-  to schedule a breeding sound-
      fect sperm production and result   ness exam before each breed-
      in reduced fertility.    Frostbite   ing  season  is  important.  Pro-
      can be prevented by providing      viding protection and adequate
      heavy bedding (i.e., straw), a     bedding for bulls during cold
      shelter, or windbreak for bulls to   weather will ensure scrotums
      get out of the weather. Bedding    are protected and help maintain
      is important to help mitigate      body condition over the winter.
      the cold by providing insulation   Maintaining weight or gaining
      from the frozen ground or snow     the weight  back that bulls lost
      and keeps cattle clean. Storms     over the breeding season will be
      with bitter cold temperatures      important to manage during the
      and wind are an obvious time       winter.
      of weather stress.  Perhaps less
      obvious as a cause of weather  University of Nebraska-
      stress are the moderately cold,  Lincoln
      windy storms with rain, ice or

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