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Preparing bulls for the fall
      Preparing bulls for the fall                                                                The Midwest Cattleman · August 25, 2022 · P7

      breeding season
      breeding season

                       By John B. Hall, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, University of Idaho

         Fall calving continues to  nutrient analysis can help you  Exercise
      increase in the U.S.  Approx- decide if supplementation is              Putting
      imately 30% of the herds in  needed. Stored forages, total  bulls in large
      the U.S. are calving in the fall.  mixed rations (TMRs) or sup- pastures with
      Depending on where you are  plementation of crop residues  water and min-
      in the country, calving could  may be needed in colder cli- eral at differ-
      start in late August, mid-Oc- mates. Plan for pasture short- ent ends of the
      tober or anywhere in between. ages  or  cold  weather.  Your  pasture can en-
         That means bulls will need  extension professional or con- courage them
      to be turned out with the  sulting nutritionist can assist  to travel more.
      cows 60 to 80 days after the  you with developing a supple-               continued on
      start of calving season (late  mentation program.                              page 22
      fall to early winter). Bulls in
      fall-calving herds may need
      slightly different management
      than bulls for spring calvers.              SOARING EAGLE OF THE OZARKS
      Body condition and
         Bulls should be body condi-
      tion scored (BCS; 1 = emaci-                             3  Annual                                   We are offering:
      ated to 9 = obese) in August,                                                                 18 MONTH                  2 YEAR
      regardless of when the breed-                FALL BULL SALE                              45 OLD BULLS              10 OLD BULLS
      ing season starts. This timing
      allows for managers to alter                 SATURDAY | OCTOBER 1, 2022 | 1 PM                 AI BRED COMMERCIAL HEIFERS  COMMERCIAL
      body condition if needed. Ex-                  Springfield, MO. at the SEO Sale Facility  35 DUE LATE OCTOBER 30 FALL PAIRS
      amination of bulls by a Cana-
      dian veterinary clinic demon-
      strated that optimum BCS for                                        ALL BULLS ARE PROMOGEN TESTED
      bulls is 4 to 6 (Figure 1).
         Bulls can suffer from being
      too thin or too fat. Fat bulls           SEO                                  Promogen Score:
      (BCS 7 or greater) have re-                  ULTRA PROVIDER                    4.5                      Selling 12 sons
      duced fertility due to impaired              REG #: *19495995
      sperm production.                                                                                        of SEO Ultra Provider
         Bulls for fall calving usu-
      ally are carrying more condi-
      tion than needed due to good            #1 $B Sire
      summer forage.  These bulls              in the Angus Breed
      need to lose weight, primarily
      through exercise.
         In contrast, due to drought
      this year, some bulls may need                                                                            SEO GVC
                                                                                                                SEO GVC
      additional     nutrition.  Also,                                                                                 THUNDER
      bulls that are used in both                                                                                             REG #: 20095926
      spring- and fall-calving herds
      will usually need to recov-
      er body condition before the
      fall breeding season. It takes
      about  100 pounds of  gain  to
      increase each BCS. Depending
      on the diet fed to bulls, it may
      take  30  to 60  days to  gain  a                                    Selling as Lot 1
         Young bulls (15 to 20
      months)  need  to  continue  to
      gain 1.5 pounds per day to
      maintain normal growth. Nu-
      trient requirements in bull
      diets are illustrated in Table                             Marketing powered by                               Soaring Eagle
      1.                                                         The Judge Source LLC                               of the Ozarks
         In temperate areas of the                               Joel Judge & Kourtney Judge                        Dr. Jeff Gower
      U.S., good fall pasture can in-                            805.234.7191 • 480.322.1583                        417.839.1200
      crease weight in older bulls                                      
      or keep young bulls growing.
      Taking a pasture sample for
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