Page 27 - MWC 4-23-20s
P. 27

The Midwest Cattleman · April 23, 2020 · P27
                                                                            for traits of growth and calv- done that. We are more effi-
                                                                            ing ease. And the same thing  cient with growth and selec-
                                                                            with  ultrasounding  the rib- tion for feed efficiency.  That
                                                                            eye for fat thickness, ribeye  will be interesting to watch
                                                                            size and marbling for carcass  develop because that's our
                                                                            traits.”                          biggest expense – grass, hay,
                                                                              Having been on the Mizzou  corn or commodity feeds. But
                                                                            Meats Judging and Livestock  that's what it takes to have
                                                                            Judging teams, Harriman ap- the muscle and marbling for
                                                                            preciated a step forward in  the quality to meet the de-
                                                                            product quality during his  mand for beef – 'the king of
                                                                            long tenure in the business of  the meats.' It sells so much
                                                                            selling beef. The USDA quali- higher because of the quality,
                                                                            ty grade selection parameters  flavor, taste, aroma, and pal-
                                                                            incorporated degrees within  atability. We need to make all
                                                                            grades for determining Low  that happen more efficiently.”
                                                                            and High Select, as well as       Cooperation to be Continued
                                                                            High, Mid and Low Choice             So much of what Harriman
                                                                            and Prime.                        utilized on a daily basis at
                                                                              “In the last 10 or 20 years,
                                                                            Select has increased into         Harriman Santa Fe is rooted
                                                                                                              in relationships built years
                                                                            Choice by around 20%,” Har-       ago. Harriman joined forces
                                                                            riman said. “There are fewer      with like-minded John Rotert,
                                                                            in the Select grade, so our se-   another renowned cattleman
                                                                            lection for marbling (as an in-   from Henry County Missouri
                                                                            dustry) has really increased.     in the late '90s. Both were ex-
                                                                            That goes back to those EPDs      cited about the progressive vi-
                                                                            and ultrasound tools. And the     sion of the beef industry and
                                                                            marbling has kept, and in-        involved with a group called
                                                                            creased, demand for beef, so      the  Professional  Beef  Genet-
                                                                            marbling is a trait that we       ics, organized by Jerry Lipsey,
                                                                            need to put a lot of pressure     then of the University of Mis-
                                                                            on. Personally, I really enjoy    souri. The enterprising group
                                                                            Top Choice ribeye steaks.”        developed  a  program  that
                                                                              With higher quality in de-
      there for.  Those EPDs are  more time with their grand- mand by consumers, Harri-                       would create marketing ar-
      based on their performance.  children and opportunities to  man  added,  “Marbling  holds               rangements in such a way as
      If you got it, you had to breed  be involved with their local  the value, with each degree of           to prevent small herds from
      them right to get it.”             Methodist Church.                  marbling valued at about $60      having marketing problems.
         Harriman, who's calved out         “My part time cattle help- per hundred weight more.”                 By  1997, Harriman  and
      tens of thousands, said the  ers will miss Marguerite's                 Achieving that premium          Rotert had become cattle
      average cattleman today has  brisket  sandwiches  with  her  flavor and tenderness has to               partners, and the two worked
      an additional round of tools to  homemade pickles,” Harri- happen efficiently, according                together  until  Rotert's  pass-
      make the breeding decisions  man said.                                to Harriman.                      ing in 2011.
      even easier.                          As for Harriman, he'll still      “The cows have to calve,           “John and Bettie (John's
         “Some breed associations  get her good home cooking,  milk and produce a heavy                       wife) were probably the first
      have come up with indexes,”  but he'll thankfully be spared  weaner,” Harriman said, “but               in the country to outsource
      he said. “One for the scenario  the mountains of paperwork  to feed this hungry world, we               feeder cattle off the farm,”
      for keeping your own replace- that demand so much energy.  have to try to improve the ef-               Harriman said. “In fact, when
      ment heifers back, with the  Stepping back from those of- ficiency  of our  cow  herds  as              they started, they were told it
      rest marketed on the carcass  fice duties comes as a relief.  much as we can. And we have                             continued on page 32
      grid. The other index focuses  Still, Harriman said he would
      on terminal traits. Gelbvieh  regret not getting the oppor-
      Feeder Profit Index bases its  tunity to use even more evolv-
      numbers on feedlot perfor- ing selection tools.
      mance and carcass merit. You          “One thing I could have
      can use those indexes instead  gotten more into was DNA,”
      of all the traits individually to  Harriman said.  “I did some
      simplify your selection. But, if  for all the traits, but only did
      you want more emphasis on,  it on some bulls  that I was
      say ribeye and marbling, you  interested in keeping as nat-
      can go back to each of those  ural service bulls.  The DNA
      traits and put more pressure  is something that they now
      on any one.”                       have enough proof on differ-
         As Harriman aims toward  ent traits that it will certainly
      a graceful exit from years of  aid in selection of genetics.”
      analyzing the data and long        Let Them Eat Steak...More
      days of herd management, he
      and his loving partner Mar-        Efficiently
                                            “EPDs was a big improve-
      guerite are looking forward to
                                         ment in our ability to select
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