Page 29 - MWC 4-21-2022s
P. 29
The Midwest Cattleman · April 21, 2022 · P29
Maternal Traits Matter By Jaclyn Krymowski
The Limousin breed has
repeatedly earned admira-
tion and lauds for its high
meat quality. Not only is this
pleasing for the consumer’s
palate, it’s also beneficial for
the bottom line of farms and
ranches. For these beef pro-
ducers, there is another breed
characteristic that stands out
– strong maternal traits and
The profitability of ma- and needing assistance is yearling weights of 61 and ousin Foundation is proudly
ternal strengths is not as unlikely. This is a crucial ad- 88lbs. with highs of 104 and the very first breed associ-
immediately obvious when vantage for operations with 169 lbs. ation to create an EPD for
compared to the terminal limited help or with limited Maternal Milk docility. Giving this tool to
carcass traits. However, the calving check abilities. Of course, healthy calves breeders and producers al-
maternal attributes of both According to the most re- would not be possible with- lowed them to maximize their
the dam and sire are ab- cent International Cattle out the exceptional maternal selection for more docile off-
solutely crucial for getting Evaluation run, Limousin capabilities of Limousin and spring, a trait that is just as
that end product as they are and Lim-Flex sires and dams Lim-Flex cows. The milkabil- beneficial for terminal pur-
aimed at a healthy and prolif- average +11 for the calving ity of the Limousin breed has poses as well as replacement
ic calf. These traits alone are ease direct EPD. been well known, in fact it is heifers.
what has made Limousin cat- Robust calves what attracts many produc- According to a 2009 study
tle and genetics attractive to Thanks to both maternal ers to incorporating Limou- conducted in Iowa, feedlot
cow-calf producers who have qualities and vigor, Limou- sin crosses into their herds. cattle with a high docility
struggled in this area. sin calves are known for their Active Limousin dams and score had an average daily
Not only has the breed robust nature and enthusi- sires currently average +21 gain of 0.26 more than ani-
proven itself for its mother- astic nursing characteristics. and +22 for maternal milk, mals with a more aggressive
ing and calving abilities, but While there are many was respectively. score. Docile animals also sig-
Limousin dams also repeat- to look at and evaluate the Research has shown that nificantly outperformed their
edly produce calves that are strength of calves, one of the hybrid vigor, as in the case aggressive peers in percent-
robust and ready to work – most important determinates of Lim-Flex herds, rapidly age grading prime and choice.
helping farmers and ranch- is how the calf behaves in the increases lactation averages, Research has also found
ers earn more. Those looking first few hours of life. making crossbreeding a way that more docile heifers are
to boost maternal traits can From the moment a calf to quickly increase milk pro- more likely to have higher
benefit from adding Limou- hits the ground, the clock duction. And besides boosting fertility rates when it comes
sin genetic influence. begins ticking on maximal weaning weights and year- to rebreeding. The Kansas
Here is a rundown of some antibody absorption from co- ling weights, maternal milk State University’s Beef Cat-
of the key maternal attri- lostrum. The longer it takes has also been shown to have tle Institute noted that the
butes and why they matter to a calf to drink (and the less a notable impact on marbling anxiety of heifers brought
your herd’s bottom line. amount it drinks) the less later in life. These growth ef- into the chute for A.I. service
was correlated to how quickly
Calving ease ability the gut has to absorb fects of milk output also help they would exit the chute and
Calving ease is an essential the dense immunoglobulins. create heifer replacements higher levels of the stress
trait for a sire to have when Naturally lethargic calves, in that will grow and reach pu- hormone cortisol, making
servicing vulnerable first-calf severe cases, will need human berty quickly. them much less likely to set-
heifers. However, dams with assistance to rebound, adding Docility tle after the service.
a more favorable calving ease to time and cost of labor. The North American Lim-
component are also excellent In no small part due to
as the likelihood of them hav- vigor, calves with Limou-
ing issues during parturition sin parentage also tend to
have very desirable weaning,
birth, and year-
ling weights as
these are all
very closely cor-
related. Notably,
across breeds,
age +2.0 above
the industry Yearling and Two-Year Olds
baseline for
tive Limousin William, Sarah, Riley, Peyton, Emmet and Maria Long
sires also can 2251 Kingfisher Avenue, Afton, Iowa 50830
add an average 641-782-3770 or 641-340-1676
weaning and Website: • Facebook: Long and Sons Limousin