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MARKET  REPORT                                                                              The Midwest Cattleman · April 21, 2022 · P28

       Live Cattle                                                          Feeder Cattle Daily  Docility: A Trait
                                                                                                  for Practicality

                                                                                                        and Profit

                                                                                                              By Jaclyn Krymowski

         Anyone who has been in  (Limousin cattle) for user  has seen firsthand how far  as  “calm” compared to those
      a dangerous situation with  roles are very happy with the  the breed has come in terms  who were  “excitable” earned
      an ornery bovine knows the  disposition in terms of the  of docility and how it’s impact- approximately $62 more rev-
      difference temperament can  population.”                              ed the bottom line for those in  enue.
      make. And, as the average age         Consistently, Limousin and  the commercial market.                   Similar research has also
      of the cattle producer contin- LimFlex  active  sires  are  in          “I see improvement in our  uncovered data that supports
      ues  to increase (the average  the top percentile ranks for  area quite a bit as far as com- similar results in pastured
      age will be 60 by 2050 accord- docility. Per the latest Inter- mercial men are,” he says,  settings as well.
      ing to census data) while find- national Cattle Evaluation,  noting that a high-strung and                 “While many of the rewards
        Live Cattle:  My thoughts center around this market stabilizing now.  I’ve been
                                                                              Feeder Cattle:  All you have to do is look at the corn market for a reason for the
      ing skilled help becomes more  Limousin and Limflex sires  excitable nature used to be  of maintaining a high level
                                                                            pull-back in feeders. If I owned a feedlot I’d be nervous to say the least.  I do feel
       placing a bullish tilt to this market for some time now.  I may need to temporarily
      difficult, handling animals  and dams have a +12 average  a serious stigma against the  of docility may be difficult to
                                                                            the feeder market has overdone it to the downside and it will be tough to break it
       place this on “hold” for a while.  The higher placements the last three months will
      who are high strung and ex- EPD score.                                Limousin breed.  “Now when  measure, there is no doubt
       have a negative impact on prices yet, so like they say, “All good things come to those
                                                                            further.  The early corn harvest has most feeder buyers in the field and I don’t think
      cessively unpredictable are a      A Cattleman’s Asset                they're looking for a more  that higher docility adds to
                                                                            they’ve really had time to concentrate on buying feeders.  Let’em get caught up a
       who wait”.  I see production numbers staying over last years’ levels until at the
       least the end of the year.  Beef shipments have been lagging last years’ levels now  muscular breed…they aren't  our bottom line,” says Gary
      serious liability. As if human        Having smaller flight zones,    little and they’ll head to town.....checkbooks in hand....bulging with “corn” money.
       for about a month.  Two weeks ago they were 8% lower than last year.  This weeks  looking away from the Lim- Gates, of Gates Limousin
      safety weren’t enough, re-         cattle who are naturally more      This market will rally....wait and see.
       report showed exports a whopping 56% lower than last year.  This ain’t good.  Low  mies anymore.”
      search continues to point to       docile are notably easier to                                         Ranch in Roscoe, Mt., where
       imports and high exports have held this market up all summer.  We’re starting to
      docility also contributing to      work with and around.                This change in attitude he  his family has raised Limou-
       lose some of that.  I just can’t pull the trigger yet on long term bullish hopes. They
      profitability.                     are more likely to be more re-     attributes to a noticed change  sins since 1975. They are very
         Fortunately for Limousin                                           in the breed’s disposition due  strict on keeping docility a
      and LimFlex producers, the         ceptive to equipment and doc-      to breeding focus on more doc- foundation of their cow-calf
                                                                                                  Trading commodity futures involves substantial risk of loss
                                         toring as well.
      smart  genetic  decisions  and                                        ile characteristics. Instead of  and bull breeding programs.
                                                                                                  and my not be suitable for all investors.  The recommendations
       Rich Nelson
                                            “One of the things we ob-
                                                                                                  express opinions of the author.  The information they contain is
                                                 Allendale Inc.
       Allendale Inc.  breeding
      progressive                  pro-  serve is that the more docile      looking at other breeds like  “Cattle that are easy to han-
                                                                                                  obtained from sources believed reliable, but is in no way guaran-
                                                                                                  teed.  The author may have positions in the markets mentioned
      grams have brought the breed       animals have better health         Charolais for improvement,  dle require less labor. Less

                                                                                                  including at times positions contrary to the advice quoted herein.
      to be an industry leader with      outcomes in terms of resis-        Nielson says he sees more  labor means less cost.”
                                                                                                  Opinions, market data, and
                                                                                                  recommendations are subject to change at any time.
      this trait.                        tance to disease,” says Weaber.    buyers investing in Limousins        He adds that bull buyers
       What Does this Report Mean to Me?
         “Limousin breeders have
      done  an outstanding  job of       “Obviously  (there’s  also) bet-   for their needs.                  know the value of well-tem-                                                                           6  1  0  1  0   2  , 0  3   r e  b   m   e t p   e S   n a     m   e l t t a C   t s e    w   d i M     e  h  T
                                                                                                              pered cattle and are often will-
                                         ter human interactions and  Docility for Profitability
        Q #1
                                                                                                              ing to pay more for bulls they
      collecting a large amount of       fewer worker handling issues       BSE Clinic Time
                                                                              Keeping docility  in  the
       What do you think the price of fats will be in April 2011
      docility data, really paying       with those good-dispositioned  breeding program has effects          know will be easy handling.
      attention to it and improving      animals.”                          that go beyond practicality          “Maintenance costs on your
       Answer: It’s hard to see the forest for the trees here, but peering through the foliage I see $105.00 fats on the horizon for April.  Demand is
                                                                            By Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension
      the population substantially          Overall, he says that by  right into the bottom line. A           facilities and equipment will
       going to have to kick in though in order to get it.
                                                                                                                We’ve  scheduled  four  clinics  of  cows  keep  coming  back  in  progeny differences (EPDs) and
                                                                             Has your bull had a breeding
      over  time,”  says Bob Weaber,     contributing to a better hu- 1997 feedlot study found that           (also) go down when you have
                                                                            soundness  exam  (BSE) since  where  you  can  get  your  bulls  heat.  There  are  no  other  out-
        Q #2
      a professor and beef extension     man-animal relationship, do- of 13,000 cattle, the ones who          a herd that is easy to handle                                         breeding programs or whatever
                                                                                                               completely  examined,  given  ward signs of trich in the bull  is on your mind. Ed Trotter with
                                                                            you pulled him from the breed-
      specialist  at  Kansas  State      cility helps contribute to en- were more docile consistently         as well,” he says. “At the end
        Due to the recent break in feeders, would you be holding your fall-weaned
                                                                                                               parasite control treatment and  or cow for that matter.
                                                                            ing pasture this summer? Fer-
      University, noting that for        hanced health and well-being,  outperformed those who were           of  the  day  it  only  takes  one                                    Pfizer will be at some of the clin-
       calves for a while or letting them go?
                                                                            tility and breeding ability can  vaccinated and be ready to turn
      a long time the breed didn’t       in addition to growth and per- classified as either  “restless”      goofy one to have an impact                                           ics  with  information  on  their
                                                                                                               out  if  everything  checks  out
                                                                            fluctuate in bulls from year-to-
      have such a great reputation                                          or  “aggressive” in terms of      on a whole herd. There is re-        Here are the dates and loca-     DNA evaluation program.
       Answer: What ever happened to the easy questions?  This will depend upon your weaning sched-
                                                                                                              ally no excuse to tolerate any
      for temperament.                   formance.                          year  and  season-to-season.  If  okay. In addition, if you’d like,  tions of our fall clinics.           Call the above veterinary of-
       ule and your available feed supply.  I’m long term bullish the feeder market but the “reality” of
                                            Adam Nielson operates  growth and carcass quality.
                                                                            you’ve preg checked your cows  they can check your bull for the
         He continues,  “Now you
       right now probably dictates letting them go.  If you keep them for an extra 30 days, make sure you     poor dispositions.”                                                   fices for your appointment time.
                                         ROM’N Limousin &  Club
                                                                              More recently, a 2017 study
                                                                            and found several open, it just  sexually  transmitted  disease,
      talk to Limousin breeders,         Calves in Arlington, S.D., with  from Texas A&M  found  that            Moving  forward, Weaber           October 11 - Barry County Vet  Of course, there’s a limit to the
                                                                            might  be  cause  to  check  him  trichomoniasis. Trich is on the  Services, Cassville
       minimize the grain in the ration.  Grow them on good forage....”sell” $4.50 corn.  If the fat market
      commercial  users  and  folks      his family.  Over the years, he  feedlot heifers who qualified                    continued on page 31                                     number of bulls the clinics can
       stays sluggish and corn prices don’t moderate, about the only thing you’ve got to hang your hat on
      that have actually purchased                                          out.                               rise in this part of the world. It’s   Contact: Dr. Voyd Brown, 847-  accept so you may need to pick a
       for “higher feeders” is “Hope”.                                                                         suspected when a large number  2677                                  different time and/or a different
                                                                                                                                                                                    veterinarian. It’s just important
                                                                             November  6th                                                        Clinic, Billings                    A survey of cow-calf farms in
                                                                                                                                                   October 12 - Kent Veterinary  to have your bulls checked out.
                                                                             Buffalo Livestock Market
                                                                                    Auction                                                        Contact Dr. Harvey Kent, 744-    24 states in 2008 showed that
                                                                               Lunch at 11:00 a.m.                        Special     Sheep       2222                              about 25% do a semen evalua-
                                                                                          Cattle Sale
                                                                                                                                                                                    tion on their bulls before turn-
                                                                              Vaccinated    Every                       Stock Cow       &          October 13 - Dake Veterinary  out. I doubt if we’re that high
                                                                                   Sale at 12:30
                                                                                Cattle    Saturday       Watch our      & Bull Sale  Goat Sale    Clinic, Miller                    in  southwest  Missouri.  The
                                                                                     Sale Offering      sale live on the
                                                                                                          Internet at
                                                                                          12:00 Noon
                                                                              16 - 2010 Heifer Calves Jan. - May                Contact: Dr. Chuck Dake, 452-    October BSE clinics in the past
                                                                              16 - Breeding Bulls 7 to 18 months        3rd Tuesday  4th Tuesday  3301                              few years have found more prob-
                                                                                                                             RH Standard Lad 0313
                                                                               2nd Sat. of
                                                                                         Selling all classes
                                                                              16 - Spring Calving Bred Females                Solid As A Rock Sire Group                            lems with bulls than the clinics
                                                                              Each Month
                                                                                            of cattle
                                                                              16 - Spring Calving Black Females  Reynolds Herefords                October 14 - Countryside Ani-    in  March.  Hot  weather  could
                                                                                      Bred to Hereford Bulls                                      mal Clinic, Aurora                be more of a problem than cold
                                                                              8 -    Fall Calving Pairs          1071 County Road 1231             Contact: Dr. Mike Bloss, 678-    when it comes to bull fertility. It
                                                                                  Lyle Caselman - Owner-Manager: 417-345-7876 • Mobile: 417-533-2944
                                                                              6 -    Show Steer Prospects                                         4011                              could even be from fescue toxins
                                                                                      Leon Caselman - Owner: 417-345-4514 • Mobile: 417-588-6185
                                                                              Both Horned & Polled Offered        Huntsville, MO 65259                                              consumed or a combination of
                                                                                            Call Lyle or Leon to find out what we can do for you:
                                                                                 Danny Cross 417-576-5461 • John Sanwald 417-588-9113 • Bobby Cole 573-674-3131
                          573-641-5270                                         November 5, 2010 Sale offerings on   Home: 660-277-3679 • Matt: 660-676-3788   Besides the BSE, I will be at  factors.
                                                                                      Display 3:00 P.M.
                                                                                             Barn 417-345-8122
                                                                                   CHB Dinner at 6:00 P.M.         • Barb: 660-676-4788           the clinics to answer questions,
                                                                                   Call or E-Mail for Catalog  Email:  discuss  bull  sales,  expected
                                                                                                                        Green Springs
                                                                                                         Performance & Efficiency Tested
                                                                                                  BULL SALE                                                                90 BULLS
                                                                                                                                                                              200 on test
                                                                                                      Sunday, Nov. 21st, 1:00 P.m.                                        Selected from over
                                                                                                         at Mo-Kan Livestock, Butler, MO                                    8 Breeds
                                                                                                                                                                          Large Genetic Pool
                                                                                                   “Only the best
                                                                                                   pass the test”
                                                                                                                         • ANGUS • GELBVIEH  •  LIMOUSIN •
                                                                                                                               • LIMFLEX • SIMMENTAL •
                                                                                                                              • BRAUNVIEH • HEREFORD •
                                                                                                                                   Call 448-7416 for information
                                                                                                                                                & sale Catalog
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