Page 26 - MWC 4-21-2022s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · April 21, 2022 · P26
       A Long History with Limousin                                                                          By Brenda Black

         William Long is  the sixth  sin  as  a  lifetime  member  of
      in his family tree to work the  NALF. He also serves on the
      land and raise beef. Long and  boards of the Iowa Limousin
      Sons Limousin and Long and  Association and the Heart-
      Sons Cattle Company are lo- land  Limousin Association
      cated in southern Iowa, where  (HLA). May 26-28, the Long
      rolling hills are covered in  family will play a key role in
      corn, soybeans, and alfalfa.  helping host an HLA Show in
      Waterways among the crops,  their hometown of Afton, Ia.
      and land better fit for cattle        As passionate as Long is
      than corn, are filled with nine  for the breed, he's savvy to
      different groups of Limousin  the need to ever improve it.
      and Lim-Flex cattle. Each one         “I  still  love  the  things  we
      is designed to meet high ex- loved about them years ago,”
      pectations in the pasture and  Long  said, “That  bam! That
      on the plate.                      wow aspect of a 70-pound calf
         “Back in the 70's,” Long  that would grow like mad.
      said, “my dad first used Lim- But the more you work at try-
      ousin semen on commercial  ing to achieve that, and the
      cows to breed up to purebred  tougher you are on the breed,
      status. It was into the late  the harder it is. It's like eat- said. “It gives me a job to do  difference it makes on animal
      80's before he completely con- ing a Krispy Kreme donut for  and I love watching them  health. Having the right feed
      verted to purebred. Our goal  the first time. It's wonderful.  grow. My dad started me in  and clean water won't make
      was to always try to be regis- Then you eat the second, and  the feed lot at 16. My dad's  much difference, according
      tered.”                            the third and the fourth...and  granddad brought cattle from  to Long, if you don't have the
         In the Limousin breed,  by  the sixth, it's impossible  Nebraska and he'd put cattle  right cattle.
      registered doesn't necessar- to get that first-bite feeling  on the train in Creston, Ia.,                 “You have to love cattle to
      ily mean purebred anymore.  again. By comparison, we're  to ship to Chicago. I try to be  cross them right,” Long said,
      According to the  Rules  and  still trying to get back to that  proud of that history every  “You  want cattle  that  the
      Regulations of the North  “first  impression”  of  Limou- day when I walk out the door.  packer wants. I work very
      American Limousin Founda- sin, by using a full blood on a  My dad says I need to find  hard to walk that tight rope
      tion (NALF), “Animals regis- percentage cow.”                         some old guy to run the trac- and it pays off.  And when
      tered as Lim-Flex must be 25          Long began integrating  tor and feed wagon. But that's  they leave the feed lot, noth-
      to 75% Limousin as computed  Red  Angus genetics into a  me already!”                                   ing  makes  you more proud
      by the North American Lim- select group of their Limou-                 In their small feedlot on  than watching those big cat-
      ousin Foundation and at least  sin to be more successful in  the family farm, Long is able  tle walk on the truck, know-
      25% Angus  or  Red Angus  certain segments of the beef  to monitor finishing stock on  ing you got it right.”
      with a maximum allowance  industry. By 2003, he had set  a homegrown ration that in-                       To get to that level of suc-
      of another breed or unknown  his sights more than ever on  cludes hay and chopped corn  cess, it starts in the breeding.
      breed of 12.5% (1/8th).”           performance in the feed yard  silage along with purchased  Long's father was among the
         When Long bought out his  and for the packing house.  wet distillers. And he opts for  early adopters of A.I., where-
      father's herd in 1996, he re- That passion continues today. rural water for all of his cat- as Long himself prefers all
      mained committed to Limou-            “I love to feed cattle!” Long  tle where possible, seeing the  natural matings. Perhaps he
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