Page 25 - MWC 4-21-2022s
P. 25

Time to Assess Forage Legume Stands                                                         The Midwest Cattleman · April 21, 2022 · P25

                             By Dr. Mark Sulc. Professor & Extension Forage Specialist
         With the onset of recent  plant will have a creamy  trogen needs for
      warm temperatures, forage  white color with little to no  first year corn (or
      stands are beginning to green  discoloration in the crown  sorghum  grasses)
      up.  Wet soil conditions and  and taproot.   These healthy  and will even sup-
      widely fluctuating tempera- plants will also have numer- ply a significant
      tures have presented tough  ous shoots that are evenly  amount of N to sec-
      conditions  for  forage  stands  distributed around the crown  ond-year corn after
      this winter. This is especial- of the plant.                          alfalfa is terminat-
      ly true of taprooted legumes          Damaged       plants    often ed. This too should
      like alfalfa and red clover.  have fewer stems, and those  be considered when
      Many forage stands suffered  stems often are more numer- deciding whether
      significant fall armyworm  ous on one side of the crown  to keep an old for-
      feeding damage late last  (i.e., shoot growth is not sym- age legume stand
      summer and into the fall, so  metrical). Splitting roots and  that might not be
      those stands should be care- crowns will reveal darker tis- so productive this
      fully evaluated this spring as  sue than the creamy white  year,                especially
      they green up. It is time to  color of healthy plants.  The  considering                the
      start walking forage stands  color  tends towards a tan  current high price
      to assess  their condition  so  color. There also may be ob- of fertilizers. Per-
      decisions and adjustments  vious areas of root and crown  haps  the  old  alfal-
      for the 2022 growing season  rot that are dark brown to  fa stand will serve
      can be planned if necessary.       black in color. Streaks of  you better as a N supplier  demonstrated that alfalfa
         Forage stand evaluation  brown might be seen running  and yield booster for your  N credits can supply all the
      can be performed when 3 to 4  down  the  length  of  the  tap- corn (corn after alfalfa usu- nitrogen needs of first year
      inches of new shoot growth is  root. Generally, these plants  ally yields more  than corn  corn, including first year no-
      present. Select random sites  green up in the spring of the  after soybeans), with the op- till corn following alfalfa. If it
      throughout the field and  year and might appear pro- portunity to perhaps plant a  makes you sleep better, apply
      count the plants in a one-foot  ductive, but because of their  new alfalfa stand where you  a little starter or sidedress N
      square area.  Check at least  compromised root system,  would have planted the corn.
      4  to 5  random  sites in each  they may not survive the en-            Numerous studies have                        continued on page 31
      20- to 25-acre area. Random  tire production year, especial-
      sampling will give the best  ly if we have a hot, dry year,
      unbiased overall evaluation  or periods of  excessive  wet-
      of the field.                      ness followed by dry spells.
         Plant heaving is always            In general, yield poten-
      a concern in northeast Ohio  tial is significantly reduced                   Located 45 mi. SE of Kansas City, Mo on 58 Hwy. east at
      and wherever heavy clay  if more than 30% of the split                    Modern Kingsville Livestock Auction Center at Kingsville, MO
      soils are present with poor  roots have brown streaks
      drainage. Crops such as al- running down the root and/
      falfa and red clover are par- or black areas of root/crown                        Special Cow & Bull Sale
      ticularly susceptible to heav- rot that cover greater than                               in conjunction with
      ing damage.  The likelihood  30 to 50% of the root diame-
      of heaving is greater in wet,  ter. The grower may want to                   Show-Me-Select Bred Heifers
      saturated clay soils with high  consider alternative forage
      shrink/swell potential that  options such as terminating
      were exposed to rapid freeze/ the stand after a first cutting           Saturday, May 21 • 11:00 am
      thaw cycles. Plants can be  and planting to silage corn
      physically lifted (heaved) out  or possibly to a warm season
      of the soil, exposing the plant  annual forage crop such as                                    Two-Day
      crowns to low temperatures  sudangrass or sorghum x su-
      and/or physical injury from  dangrass (BMR varieties are                         Memorial Weekend Sale
      wheel traffic at harvest time.  preferred for dairy cattle).
      In severe cases, the plant can  Interseeding with other for-
      be heaved several inches or  age species may also be con-                         May 29-30 • 9:00 am
      more out of the soil, breaking  sidered to thicken the stand,

      the taproot  and killing the  just don’t try to interseed                   Tractors - Hay Equipment - Livestock Equipment
      plant.                             alfalfa  seed into an existing               Antiques - Trucks/Cars - Lawn & Garden
         While plant counts are  alfalfa stand because of auto-
      useful, crown and root tissue  toxicity.
      should be evaluated for an            If the alfalfa stand  looks            All Consigners & Buyers Welcome
      indication of how the plant  tough, it might be a blessing                          Call 816-597-3331 Office
      will hold up to stresses in the  in disguise.  Yield declines                         Rick, Jeremy or Jared Anstine
      coming growing season.   Dig  as the stand ages, especially
      up 5 to 6 plants in each ran- in years 4 and 5 of an alfal-              816-258-3421 • 816-716-9288 • 816-878-5229
      dom field location you sam- fa stand. Consider also that                Website: • email:
      ple and split the crowns and  a terminated forage legume
      roots lengthwise.  A healthy  stand can supply all the ni-
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