Page 20 - MWC 4-21-2022s
P. 20

Managing Replacement Heifers - Reproductive Tract Scoring
          Approved by FDA under NADA # 141-143                                                     The Midwest Cattleman · April 21, 2022 · P20
           Noromycin            ®
           300 LA                                                By Mark Z. Johnson, OSU Extension Beef Cattle Breeding Specialist
           (oxytetracycline injection)
                                            Reproductive Tract  Scor-
          Each mL contains 300 mg of oxytetracycline base   ing (RTS) is a management
          (equivalent to 323.5 mg of oxytetracycline
                                         tool available to producers
          For Use in Beef Cattle, Non-lactating Dairy Cattle,
          Calves, Including pre-ruminating (veal) calves  currently making selection
          BRIEF SUMMARY (For full Prescribing   decisions on yearling heif-
          Information, see package insert.)  ers.  RTS is a subjective mea-
          NOROMYCIN 300 LA is intended for use in   surement which involves the
          treatment for the following diseases when due to
          oxytetracycline-susceptible organisms:  rectal palpation of the heifer
          Beef cattle, non-lactating dairy cattle, calves,   reproductive tract (uterine
          including pre-ruminating (veal) calves:
          NOROMYCIN 300 LA is indicated in the treatment   horns and ovarian struc-
          of pneumonia and shipping fever complex
          associated with Pasteurella spp., and Histophilus   tures) and the subsequent
          spp.  NOROMYCIN 300 LA is indicated for the
          treatment of infectious bovine   assignment of a reproductive
          keratoconjunctivitis (pink eye) caused by
          Moraxella bovis, foot-rot and diphtheria caused   tract score, ranging from 1 to
          by Fusobacterium necrophorum; bacterial
          enteritis (scours) caused by Escherichia coli;   5 (1 = immature; 5 = presence
          wooden tongue caused by Actinobacillus
          lignieresii; leptospirosis caused by Leptospira   of a corpus luteum), to assist
          pomona; and wound infections and acute metritis
          caused by strains of staphylococcal and   the producer in making re-  if they do become pregnant,      Another possible applica-
          streptococcal organisms sensitive to
          oxytetracycline.                                                  do so later in the breeding  tion of the RTS system is to
                                         placement heifer decisions.
          Swine:                                                            season suggesting that heif- assess the nutritional pro-
          NOROMYCIN 300 LA is indicated in the treatment   Since age at puberty is
          of bacterial enteritis (scours, colibacillosis)                   ers with a RTS of 1 should  gram  being utilized by the
          caused by Escherichia coli; pneumonia caused   difficult to measure directly,
          by Pasteurella multocida; and leptospirosis                       possibly be eliminated from  producer.   If RTS is taken
          caused by Leptospira pomona.   RTS can estimate pubertal
          In sows NOROMYCIN 300 LA is indicated as an   status, and if performed be-  the breeding group.   It is  within a sufficient time be-
          aid in control of infectious enteritis (baby pig
          scours, colibacillosis) in suckling pigs caused by   fore the onset of the breeding   worth mentioning that some  fore the start of the breeding
          Escherichia coli.                                                 heifers  do  not  exactly  fit  a  season (approximately 30 to
          PRECAUTIONS:                   season, can be a predictor of
          Exceeding the highest recommended level of   heifer reproductive perfor-  particular RTS  score, and it  60 days); based on the re-
          drug per pound of bodyweight per day,
          administering more than the recommended   mance allowing for heifers   is up to the producer and/ sults of the tract scores, the
          number of treatments, and/or exceeding 10 mL
          intramuscularly or subcutaneously per injection   with a poor breeding poten-  or practitioner to decide on  producer can adjust the ra-
          site in adult beef cattle and non-lactating dairy
          cattle and 5 mL intramuscularly per injection site   tial to be removed from the   which of the measures are to  tion to help the heifers reach
          in adult swine, may result in antibiotic residues
          beyond the withdrawal time.    breeding group before any          be given the most emphasis.  developmental goals prior to
          Consult with your veterinarian prior to                             RTS should be done about  the beginning of the breed-
          administering this product in order to determine   further costs are incurred.
          the proper treatment required in the event of an   A RTS score of 1 refers to a   1 month or less prior to  ing season or the beginning
          adverse reaction.  At the first sign of any adverse
          reaction, discontinue use of the product and seek                 breeding if the score is to be  of the breeding season can be
          the advice of your veterinarian. Some of the   prepubertal heifer, a RTS of
          reactions may be attributable either to                           used as a culling tool as an  adjusted.
          anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction) or to   2 or 3 refers to a peripubertal
          cardiovascular collapse of unknown cause.   heifer (transitional stage),   indicator of a heifer's ability   If your heifers are a little
          Shortly after injection treated animals may have                  to conceive early during the  behind schedule this spring,
          transient hemoglobinuria resulting in darkened   and a RTS of 4 or 5 refers to a
          urine.                         pubertal (cycling) heifer.  The    first breeding season.  If RTS  consult with your Veterinar-
          As with all antibiotic preparations, use of this
          drug may result in overgrowth of non-susceptible   reproductive performance of   is  to  be used  as a  selection  ian about RTS.  It can be in-
          organisms, including fungi.  The absence of a
          favorable response following treatment, or the   heifers with an RTS of 1 or   tool to place pressure on age  formative and beneficial in
          development of new signs or symptoms may
          suggest an overgrowth of non-susceptible   2 is less than that of heifers   at puberty, the best time to  the selection process of year-
          organisms.  If superinfections occur, the use of
          this product should be discontinued and   with an RTS of 3 or greater.    evaluate the heifers is when  ling replacement heifers.
          appropriate specific therapy should be instituted.                approximately 50% of the             Reference: Stein, Dan. Re-
          Since bacteriostatic drugs may interfere with the   Heifers with a RTS of 1 or 2
          bactericidal action of penicillin, it is advisable to   are less likely to be cycling at   heifers are thought to be cy- productive Tract  Scoring,
          avoid giving NOROMYCIN 300 LA in conjunction
          with penicillin.               the beginning of the breeding      cling  based on  age, weight,  Cow-Calf Corner, May 2021.
                                         season and therefore are less
          WARNINGS:                                                         and occasional observations
              Warnings: Discontinue treatment at                            for estrus.
             least 28 days prior to slaughter of cattle   likely to become pregnant or
              and swine. Not for use in lactating
               dairy animals. Rapid intravenous
              administration may result in animal
              collapse. Oxytetracycline should be
             administered intravenously slowly over
               a period of at least 5 minutes.
          Intramuscular or subcutaneous injection may
          result in local tissue reactions which persists
          beyond the slaughter withdrawal period.
          This may result in trim loss of edible tissue at
          Intramuscular injection in the rump area may
          cause mild temporary lameness associated with
          swelling at the injection site.  Subcutaneous
          injection in the neck area may cause swelling at
          the injection site.
          Reports of adverse reactions associated with
          oxytetracycline administration include injection
          site swelling, restlessness, ataxia, trembling,
          swelling of  eyelids, ears, muzzle, anus and vulva
          (or scrotum and sheath in males), respiratory
          abnormalities (labored breathing), frothing at the
          mouth, collapse and possibly death. Some of
          these reactions may be attributed either to
          anaphylaxis (an allergic reaction) or to
          cardiovascular collapse of unknown cause.
          To report a suspected adverse reaction call
              Livestock Drug - Not for Human Use.
            Restricted Drug(s) California.  Use Only as
          Manufactured by:
          Norbrook, Inc.
          Lenexa, KS 66219
          MADE IN THE UK
          Rev: August 2021
          Version: I08
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