Page 27 - MWC 2-3-2022s
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SUSTAINABILITY                                                                            The Midwest Cattleman · February 3, 2022 · P27
      continued from page 23

      future, and from  which the  producer-led process that  bodies such as the USDA.  beef supply, as part of the
      effects are visible in nearly  developed them. Cattlemen  Collectively, these initiatives  2021-2026 Red  Angus Stra-
      every corner of the beef in- and women across the na- will serve producers well in  tegic  Plan.  Cattle  producers
      dustry, from pasture to plate. tion collaborated to address  the  long  run,  as  they  repre- already have a great sus-
         The creation of Low Car- a need for the entire indus- sent a sizable amount of beef  tainability story, evidenced
      bon Beef, LLC., is one such  try. It’s evident that there is  that meets growing, consis- by decades of improvement
      development. The  startup  an opportunity for the beef  tent demand.                                    in grass, water and animal
      by Dr. Colin Beal is focused  industry  to  build  consum-              In the coming months and  management.  The time for
      on certifying beef with a sig- er trust by establishing its  years, Red Angus will strive  capitalizing on that story is
      nificantly reduced carbon  own sustainability goals and  to quantify and communi- at hand.
      footprint over U.S. baseline  deliverables without any  cate how the breed positively
      beef production. Low Car- prompting by governmental  contributes to a sustainable
      bon Beef, LLC., analyzes and
      applies  proven  emission  re-
      ducing tools at every step in
      the cattle lifecycle and adds
      value to beef production and
      cattle farming. The company
      just recently earned its ap-
      proval as a USDA Process
      Verified Program Service
      Provider which makes it the
      first USDA PVP for calcu-
      lating lifecycle greenhouse
      gas emissions for beef cattle
      production.  The USDA PVP
      allows beef producers to cer-
      tify and market beef that is
      raised with lower GHG emis-
      sions practices. Beef pro-
      ducers that qualify for the                       ANNUAL BULL & FEMALE SALE • MARCH 2022
      program are eligible for pre-
      miums, further incentiviz-                                RANCH LOCATED IN CENTRAL MISSOURI • TUSCUMBIA, MO
      ing sustainable practices for
      forward-thinkers and early
      adopters.                                                      SONS AND DAUGHTERS FROM THESE SIRES SELL!
         Yet    another     indication
      of sustainability measure-
      ment and reporting that has
      manifested due to consumer
      demand is the recent beef
      industry  commitment  to  cli-
      mate neutrality, solidified at
      the Cattle Industry Conven-
      tion in Nashville in August.
      This commitment comprises                       MANN RED BOX 55C           RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P      RED U-2 RECKONING 149A
      four goals for the U.S. cattle
         •Demonstrate          climate
      neutrality of U.S. cattle pro-
      duction by 2040.
         •Create and enhance op-
      portunities that result in a
      quantifiable increase in pro-
      ducer profitability and eco-
      nomic sustainability by 2025.             RED CROWFOOT MOONSHINE 8081U        MAPLE OAKS FEMALES              FLASHBACK 6609D
         •Enhance trust in cat-
      tle  producers  as  responsible
      stewards of their animals
      and resources by expanding
      educational opportunities in
      animal care and handling                               STRATEGICALLY BREEDING AMERICAN AND CANADIAN GENETICS
      programs to further improve
      well-being.                                                             Ray Paslawski • 314-630-0332
         •Continuously        improve                                        Susan Smydra • 314-308-2111
      our     industry’s    workforce                                  CALL FOR SALE INFORMATION TODAY!
      safety and well-being.                                  
         An important note to ac-
      company these goals is the
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