Page 28 - MWC 2-3-2022s
P. 28

The Midwest Cattleman · February 3, 2022 · P28
                                                             Cows, Calv
                                                             Cows, Calves, and Cold Weather es, and Cold Weather
                                                             Concerns                  By Bob Larson DVM

                                                             cattle with  combined with a wet hair coat  for maintenance  at  the  same
                                                             thin      fat (as can occur during a winter  time that feed digestibility is
                                                             cover and  storm), the effects can be very  decreasing means that if cows
                                                             short hair  profound.                            do not have access to plenty of
                                                             coats (due       Adult cattle with a dry hair  digestible feed, they will have
                                                             to    move- coat, adequate body condition,  to “burn” body fat as a calorie
                                                             ment  from  and abundant, adequate-qual- source. Another factor that can
                                                             a  warmer  ity forage can withstand most  limit feed intake in winter con-
      Preparing for winter conditions can make all the difference for your   e n v i r o n - winter situations, especially  ditions is if water sources are
      cows, calves, and bulls when cold weather arrives.     ment to a  if they have the ability to find  frozen or unavailable. If feed
                                                             colder en- protection from wind and have  intake cannot keep up with
         A high percentage of the  vironment; or extremely cold  been exposed to moderate- energy demands, and body fat
      U.S. beef herd resides in areas  temperatures early in the fall/ ly cold conditions for several  is mobilized to meet energy
      of the country where moder- winter season), cattle with  weeks which allows them to  demands, then the cows will
      ately to extremely cold winter  wet hides, or high wind speed  acclimate by growing a thick  have less fat insulation and
      temperatures are common. By  accompanying cold tempera- winter hair coat and increas- will be more susceptible to
      planning for winter weath- tures.  Wind chill is  a better  ing  feed  intake.  As  tempera- cold temperatures – causing
      er, ranchers can avoid being  predictor of cold stress than  tures drop, cattle increase heat  a vicious cycle that can lead
      caught off-guard by extreme  temperature alone because  production which means that  to cold stress and even more
      events and can manage the  cold wind draws heat away  the number of calories they  weight loss.
      typical winter conditions so  more quickly than still air at  need for maintenance increas-                Cold weather brings a spe-
      that cattle do not have to con- the same temperature. Wet or  es. This increase is met by con- cial concern with bulls because
      tinually utilize body fat as an  mud-caked hair loses its abili- suming more feed and moving  of the potential to have frost-
      energy source to keep warm  ty to insulate the animal and  it through the digestive tract  bite damage to the scrotum
      – leading to excessive loss of  a wet winter hair coat only  faster, but the cost of this fast- and testicles. It is very import-
      body condition.                    provides as much protection  er movement is that feed is  ant that bulls have protection
         Situations that are most  from the cold as a typical sum- not digested as fully. The effect
      likely to cause cold stress are:  mer hair coat. If cold wind is  of needing increased calories                       continued on page 35

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