Page 26 - MWC 2-3-2022s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · February 3, 2022 · P26
                                                                            RED HOT
                                                                            continued from page 25            not just when they have the
                                                                                                              calf,” said Robert. Robert also
                                                                            fed  creep  feed  to  make  the   attributes year-round rota-
                                                                            transition easier. The calves     tional grazing to a consistent
                                                                            are then weaned and fed a         calving season, moving them
                                                                            pre-mix until they are sold.      every seven days.
                                                                            Robert keeps up with the  EPDs: A Powerful Tool
                                                                            local markets weekly and             Robert  shared  how  one
                                                                            maintains a routine of sell- cannot have enough of the
                                                                            ing calves around the first  sought-after           Red     Angus
                                                                            week of August. He holds his  commercial  female. These
                                                                            spring calves until Novem- females are in high demand
                                                                            ber.                              for  their  longevity,  fertility,
                                                                              Robert      mentions      how adaptability and efficiency;
                                                                            shocking it is to some at the  coupled with their good dis-
                                                                            sale barns how much weight  position, this makes them
                                                                            the moderate-size Red Angus  the ideal cow.  “As we kept
                                                                            packs. “The cattle don’t have  buying more Red Angus ge-
                                                                            to be 6-feet tall to reach 700- netics and understanding
                                                                            800 pound weights. With feed  the EPDs, we noticed that we
                                                                            prices high this year, I had to  were raising better females
                                                                            cut the amount of what I nor- than what we could buy,” ex-
                                                                            mally feed to about half, and  plained Robert.
                                                                            those cattle still finished out      His ideal bull has a
                                                                            the heaviest we have ever  well-rounded set of EPDs so
                                                                            sold,” said. Robert. “They did  he can retain heifers, sell big
                                                                            it all on grass,” he concluded.  steers and raise easy-flesh-
                                                                              Robert’s     biggest     draw ing, docile calves. Docility
                                                                            to the Red  Angus females  is highly valued with young
                                                                            is  their  fertility  even  at  a  Katie and Hunter working
                                                                            young age. He jokes that it’s  cattle and walking through
                                                                            sometimes a challenge to  pens to do chores. Robert
                                                                            keep a fence strong enough  cannot push understand-
                                                                            to ward the bulls out. “That’s  ing EPDs enough. “It’s been
                                                                            what we want though,” said  a game-changer for us.  The
                                                                            Robert. In the last five years,  more you learn about utiliz-
                                                                            they have pushed Red Angus  ing  them as a tool,  the bet-
                                                                            genetics, which has resulted  ter off you will be,” concludes
                                                                            in a shorter calving season  Robert.
                                                                            from 120 to 60 days with-            He credits Watkins Cattle
                                                                            out any hormone regimens.  Company, the local operation
                                                                            Today, they utilize  AI for  they  first  purchased  Red
                                                                            heifers and their base set of  Angus bulls from, for their
                                                                            Red Angus cows.                   willingness  to share knowl-
                                                                              The main group of cows  edge with others. Robert is
                                                                            calve      September-October inspired by their drive to
                                                                            while  the  remaining  cows  learn more and do more to
                                                                            calve late February-March.  better their program and the
                                                                            “We make sure our cows are  Red Angus breed.
                                                                            on a good mineral program
                                                                            even when they are carrying,                    continued on page 32

                                                                            LIFE                                 My wife rushed into the
                                                                            continued from page 5             bedroom in a panic. “What is
                                                                            two dozen plastic  containers     wrong?” she cried out.
                                                                                                                 “My incision has broken
                                                                            of food to send home with the     open, and I have bled enough
                                                                            children. When all  had  left, I
                                                                            waddled off to bed, feeling as    to produce a huge scab.”
                                                                                                                 Judy quickly turned on the
                                                                            bloated and miserable as a cow
                                                                            that had just OD’d on Johnson     bedside lamp, threw back the
                                                                                                              bed covers, and looked down at
                                                                            grass. As I lay in bed, I ran my
                                                                            hand over my swollen belly        my chest. There, on the surface
                                                                                                              of my chest, was a piece of pea-
                                                                            and up over my chest. When
                                                                            my hand reached the scar that     nut brittle candy, adhered to
                                                                                                              my surgery scar.
                                                                            had formed from my open-
                                                                            heart surgery last summer, I
                                                                            let out blood-curdling scream.
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