Page 29 - MWC 9-15-2022s2
P. 29

there could be a variation in  Summary                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · September 15, 2022 · P29
      the nutritive value between           Testing your hay for its
      the two analyses. Therefore,  quality allows you to better
      in order to compare different  meet livestock nutritional
      hay qualities, it is important  requirements. Sampling and
      to get them all tested with  testing hay for quality can
      the same analysis (i.e., either  make designing a feeding
      all with wet chemistry or all  program easy and economi-
      with NIRS).                        cal.  It provides information
      Don’t forget about nitrates        that allows producers to cre-
         When sending the samples        ate feed rations for their herd
      to the lab it is important for     accurately and cost effective-
      the sample to be analyzed for      ly. Additionally, it is import-
      moisture, protein, and ener-       ant to keep inventory records
      gy. Samples can also be test-      on our hay to know our pro-
      ed for minerals and nitrates.      duction numbers and how
      Testing for nitrates is recom-     much hay we have available
      mended on annual forages           before heading into winter so
      harvested for hay, such as fox-    that we can plan accordingly.
      tail millet, oats, sudan grass,       During hay season, it is im-
      and sorghum-sudan hybrids,         portant to test forages such as
      because they can accumulate        oats, fox millet, sudan grass,
      high levels of nitrates under      and sorghum-sudan hybrids
      various growing conditions         for nitrates. Although testing
      that can potentially reach a       hay can be an added cost, it
      toxic level (Berger, A., 2017).    is important to do so. Nitrate
      Testing for nitrates through       poisoning can cause serious
      Ward Labs costs $12.75/sam-        illness or even sudden death
      ple.  While it adds cost, the      in livestock. Testing hay for
      test indicates whether the         nitrates indicates whether
      nitrate content in your hay is     the nitrate content in your
      safe for your livestock to con-    hay is safe for your livestock
      sume.                              to consume.

       CONSIDERATIONS                    priate rest  periods, do not
       continued from page 26            graze  more  than  50%  of  the
                                         growth, and avoid grazing
       The more food that is avail-      wet areas which can cause
       able for the microorganisms,      compaction.      Improvements
       the more they reproduce and       in soil health can help with
       the quicker they do their job.    productivity and resilience
       Once again, a larger root sys-    of the pasture. I am not sug-
       tem has a greater potential       gesting that you do away with
       for  feeding  the  microorgan-    soil testing. Proper pH adjust-
       isms.                             ment and fertilizer applica-
         Improvements in grazing         tions are needed for healthy
       management can have pos-          plants which are vital to im-
       itive effects on soil health. A   provements in soil health.
       few points to remember when
       trying to build soil health in    OSU
       your pasture include: use ro-
       tational  grazing  with  appro-

       A soil test will let us know the pH and the amount of some of the important nutrients
       that will be available to our plants. This is a great tool to help manage pasture produc-
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